
Alien Lawsuit dump today! I've been saving up chapters to release periodically, but now that I've thought over Alien Lawsuit a bit and read and re-read it so many times, I've decided to start over (augh AGAIN I know) and fix some issues such as plot holes, periods that came across as uniteresting, and forced encounters and the like. I'm thinking of posting the first three-four chapters of Take 3 sometime within the coming weeks.
          	Thank you all for the support for Alien Lawsuit, it means a lot! (Again, just putting it out there, if you have any ideas for more interesting titles for the book, just tell me!)


:0 thanks you so much those are great ideas!


Anyhow, I'm looking forward as always 


          	  Or if you decide to start the 3rd take, you could have some triggers for their memories/nightmares, like subtle things like maybe their favourite toy (just an example) appear in front of them which triggers the memory even more.
          	  Idk if that made any sense! XD


Alien Lawsuit dump today! I've been saving up chapters to release periodically, but now that I've thought over Alien Lawsuit a bit and read and re-read it so many times, I've decided to start over (augh AGAIN I know) and fix some issues such as plot holes, periods that came across as uniteresting, and forced encounters and the like. I'm thinking of posting the first three-four chapters of Take 3 sometime within the coming weeks.
          Thank you all for the support for Alien Lawsuit, it means a lot! (Again, just putting it out there, if you have any ideas for more interesting titles for the book, just tell me!)


:0 thanks you so much those are great ideas!


Anyhow, I'm looking forward as always 


            Or if you decide to start the 3rd take, you could have some triggers for their memories/nightmares, like subtle things like maybe their favourite toy (just an example) appear in front of them which triggers the memory even more.
            Idk if that made any sense! XD


hello I'm new to wattpad I really liked your friend ImaWriterandAFangirl's book named percy jackson reacts to the musical but I'm not able to find it can you please send me a link to the book or her profile?


@Lunarpenguin idk, we did a lot in Spanish class


@Spirits_Forbid *is mad* Wait, didn't we work on one of the parts together? In Spanish class? I feel like we did.


@DhwaniJain8 hey, so sadly I’m not planning on reposting it because originally Wattpad deleted the work and I reposted it only to have my account deleted. I don’t want to risk a repeat. I’m really sorry


Hello everyone, I realize I haven't been posting as much as I used to and. . .  I have a good reason for it! School started up again so I am swamped with homework and practice and aLL sOrTs of stuff and I haven't gotten as much writing done as I had hoped. I hope to be able to put out a chapter of Alien Lawsuit soon, but until then, stay nerdy my followers.


            Oooh you did?


            Same man!
            I mean- I'm also caught up in all this stuff and making time for writing is getting harder :|
            But anyhoo, I'm excited for the new chapter!


Oh also I figured out how to write on my school chromebook! Yay!


So update:
          I got a new chromebook for school and was super excited to write on it cause it's so much faster than the family laptop and tried to open Wattpad and-
          The school blocked it.
          So I was going to post yesterday but now I'm trying to shoot for tommorow. 
          Also: Alien Lawsuit is getting a P.O.V makeover, so look out for that.
          See ya!


@ImaWriterandaFangirl I read this about, three months after this would have been helpful XD. Thanks anyway.


I hope everyone's staying safe during this stupid outbreak. As for me, my school cancelled for the rest of the year and I'm sad. I hope the rest of you aren't tho! Stay clean, stay healthy, and stay . . . Um. . .uh. . .Happy! :P