Aaaaaayyyyyyy there’s a new chapter of Bloom and Marrow posted up if anyone is looking for something to do this fine wednesday evening! hope everyone had such a good day ❤️
Aaaaaayyyyyyy there’s a new chapter of Bloom and Marrow posted up if anyone is looking for something to do this fine wednesday evening! hope everyone had such a good day ❤️
There are 3 chapters of Part Two of Lyric and Cullen’s story posted on my profile now, for anyone curious to see what these two are getting up to after defeating Corypheus! New character, a little bit of plot rearrangement, a tiny bit of spice! Enjoy— there is a LOT of fun stuff to come. And some sad stuff. But whenever I break your heart I promise to heal it back up!
Hello and good morning to all seven of you! I have exciting news. Part two of Honey and Ink is forming itself in my brain, and there MAY just be some new stuff with Lyric, Cullen, the whole gang AND a new OC! Stay tuned if this sounds like it might float your boat!
For anyone who is wondering why I haven’t posted the next chapter— I’ve been fighting off a little writer’s block! Writing as much as this flesh prison allows, with chronic illness sometimes my brain goes *pffflbt* so. thanks for the support regardless <3
I wanted to share that I added a drawing I did of my OC Inquisitor, Lyric, and I posted it in chapter two (Fever and Freeze). you can take a look if you’re curious, and give me a read if you like CullenxFemme Lavellan!
I’ve had trouble with uploading the images on my stories and so I’m not certain if it’s her, or still some mountains that were there before it shows two different things depending on how I view it hahahaha frig!!
I apologize in advance for the next chapter. it’s long and is mostly a lot of action and not a ton of dialogue or character stuff (except for Lyric). also it’s a little canon divergent, just trying something out here! :)