
hey, my loves! I've just posted 5 new poems to my collection 'Dreamily Doubtful'! I'd love it if you gave them a read. I'm not a fan of the name of the book, or the cover, so if anyone has any ideas, please send me a message! Thank you for all the ongoing support on my completed fanfiction "Lovesick Witches"!! I could never have imagined that so many people would appreciate my writing! Love you all ❤️


hey, my loves! I've just posted 5 new poems to my collection 'Dreamily Doubtful'! I'd love it if you gave them a read. I'm not a fan of the name of the book, or the cover, so if anyone has any ideas, please send me a message! Thank you for all the ongoing support on my completed fanfiction "Lovesick Witches"!! I could never have imagined that so many people would appreciate my writing! Love you all ❤️


Hi everyone! Just posted a new chapter of my book! It felt absolutely wonderful to write after not writing for such a long time! I've missed it terribly and I suppose it's only now I'm back at it that I realise the extent to which I have missed this joyful hobby of mine. Anyway, please go and give it a read if you enjoyed reading the book before. I can 100% guarantee that more chapters will be on their way soon :)


@lunawxtch  Your story got me really addicted to more.:*


@OoMagicalNannyoO Thank YOU for always reading my chapters and being so kind! :D


@lunawxtch  yeeeeahhh! Thanks sooo much :*


Hi, all! Hope you are all doing well! Apologies for my significant social media break - I can confidently say that it was much needed and I am more than satisfied that my time away has been long enough. I hope you will be pleased to know that I very much intend to get back to writing on here, as it is a great passion of mine and I have missed it terribly. I will continue with Lovesick Witches and get that finished, and may start some new, exciting material after that. But moving forward, please respect my timing, for there are valid reasons that prevent me from updating daily. (e.g. I am going into year 11 this year, so doing my GCSE exams, I'm a competitive figure skater and train multiple times a week, I play the flute and have 3 difficult flute exams this year, and I have recently experienced some burn-outs due to immense pressure being put onto me). Despite all these other commitments, however, I am choosing to get back to writing for myself, as it is something I genuinely love to do, and gives me a chance to escape to a magical world of our own within the chaos of life. So, yes - I may not update daily, or even weekly, for that matter, but I will do my very best to give you guys the material you want to read as I resume to this wonderful hobby xxx


@lunawxtch Thank you!! I've missed you too! 


@lunawxtch  Oh dear, I understand you and Wellcome back! I missed you so much. :*


Hey guys, sorry I haven't written in like 50 years... Unfortunately it might be a while before I actually finish the story because I just don't have the time and energy for this at the minute and as I really need some time to focus on my mental health, spending hours and hours writing a fanfiction isn't on my list of priorities. I did it for fun and I will finish it eventually, but I need a break or else I will lose my mind... literally. So yeah, thanks for reading it, hope you enjoyed and I will finish it after a much needed break ;))


@chels_brookex Thank you so much!! x


Take all the time that you need! Don’t ever feel under pressure to write for anyone. Do it for yourself and your own passions! Your story is great, and doesn’t need to be updated 24/7 for that to happen (:


Hi everyone! I apologise for not updating in a few days. I feel recently my writing hasn't been as interesting as it used to be. I felt I was loosing some creativity and imagination, not so much for the plot but my writing itself has been getting a little worse. You may or may not have noticed this but I definitely have. Anyway, I spoke to my English teacher at school and he gave me some advise so I've been putting more time and effort into my writing whilst trying to use some interesting techniques and improve it a bit. I have some chapters ready in my drafts and I will upload one tomorrow and the rest when they are ready. But yeah, just thought I'd say that's why I haven't written in a few days, hope you understand :))


@lunawxtch  never stop improving on your passion


@lunawxtch of course we do! You're doing great, love. 


Hello everyone! My friend is writing a new book and it would be great if you could check it out! Her username is @Therandomaccount2 and the book is called Waving From a Window. Please follow her and read her book! Thanks! :))


Hi everyone! So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I will update as soon as I can. The chapter I'm writing is really difficult to write and I'm finding it pretty challenging to get it right which is why it is taking me so long, along with the fact that we're now out of lockdown in the UK so I suddenly have a life outside of writing fanfiction in my bedroom lol


@lunawxtch  Take as long as you want


@lunawxtch hey that's ok take your time, we'll be here when you've finished ✨