
/ been a while


/ ZADDY ⁉️⁉️
          ✦ ❝ oh if it isn't you again , the..   devil or whatever you had claimed yourself as when we first met ,  yes i remember quite well so what could one possibly want ?   do hope this doesn't include trespassing again . ❞⇉


            / WHY ZADDY ⁉️
            ✦ ❝  is that so ?  , someone wishing to get to know someone better just because of an aura they give off and because you like it even despite it be evil..   very odd , but almost entertaining in a way .    hm you amuse me so you may stay ,   this current work of mine is rather boring but focus on some side effects of chemicals i've been testing...   unfortunately not one of the tests have come out the way i wished , so i'll need to change the formula .    did you understand that ? ❞ ⇉


@HarbingerDottore    ♧
            /    ZADDY ‼️
            " in all honesty, i want to know who you are. you absolutely give off an evil aura... and i like it. so, would you mind telling me what you're working on this time? "


" miss, are you alright? it is rather late, but if you have nowhere to stay, you're more than welcome here. "


@fowlblood    ♧
            the woman with the oddly bright eyes looked at the man, tilting her head slightly. as she did so, her bangs tilted to the side as well.
            "....grazie for the hospitality... i'm afraid i didn't catch your name..?"


" not at all. please, you're more than free to look around. the living quarters are attached to this church, so I honestly don't mind keeping the doors open for a bit longer. "
            the pale man didn't seem too worried, more than happy to share this place with someone that hasn't visited before. 


@fowlblood    ♧
            " hm? yes, i'm quite alright... i was just.. taking a peek around. it's been.. *ages* since i've seen a church on the inside... you wouldn't mind, would you?"


`    bam—boww~!      check it out,    stranger!      it’s my signature ultra—spicy dish,    just made up on the spot right now!      awesome,    right?    `


@yilingz     ♧
                 '    are these noodles?   that looks does look quite red...   '  
               the woman looked down at the bowl,   it sure was an interesting looking   -   and smelling   -   dish.. there was even red mist coming from it,   and the soup definitely looked spicy.   well,  spicy for human consumption that is.  it would take a  / lot /  of heat to burn the devil's tongue. 
                the woman sat down,  put her hands together and spoke a soft  ' 謝謝您做的飯  ' ,  ' thank you for the meal '.   she then took the chopsticks,  and mixed up whatever it was that the enthusiastic boy seemed to have thrown together. 
            there went the first bite ...  and the second ........ then the third ....
            no tears in sight. 


/          @lunxtte 
                        `    uh—huh!      hehe,    good luck~    nobody’s ever managed to survive a dish of mine without tearing up at least a little bit.      even the fiercest corpses would burst into tears at the sight!    `
                      with that,    the bowl was set down on the table,    the thick soup swirling inside of it.      wei wuxian stood back,    looking especially pleased with himself.      the words    `    ultra—spicy    `    were really no joke—    there actually seemed to be a red mist coming from the searing hot noodles,    and even the white ceramic of the bowl had been dyed the same colour as the chillis inside the meal.      a terrifying,    terrifying sight for anyone who couldn’t handle spices in the slightest.      yes,    yes,    good luck with this!


@yilingz     ♧
              '    ...   yes, sure does sound 'awesome'.   ultra spicy, you said ?   ... if you'll allow me, i'd like to be the judge of that.    '


✦ ❝   never seen anyone with such odd looking eyes such as yourself madam , though that doesn't help you right now..    i do believe no one is supposed to be here , it's also quite late into the evening...   so really if you'll excuse my suspicions ,  would you mind telling me why you're here hm ? ❞ ⇉


✦ ❝  Private information ma'am , sorry but outsiders aren't privy to knowing my business..    also do keep your distance . ❞
            { taking a step back to keep the same distance between the two , he seems a little uneasy ,  just who does this woman think she is ?  He thinks she's rather delusional if anything ..  }
             ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❝  Well i guess we all have a few screws loose , so i'll let you believe that .     But in all honesty ma'am , you're going to have to leave .  I believe it's not safe to be in here , you may end up breathing in something nasty . ❞ ⇉


@HarbingerDottore    ♧
            '   Tell me about the experiment ? It looks ... evil , which I'm all for .   '   The woman with the bright eyes hummed , stepping closer to the masked man and his failed experiment .  ' I'm the devil, I invented tresspassing . Now what is this concoction ?  '


✦ ❝  It wasn't meant in a rude manner , but you do have to admit , having such eyes is unlike anything i've ever seen ..  Hm whether or not the mask is weird to you doesn't matter , what does matter is that you're in here .  And you'd be quite correct , an experiment gone quite wrong...     Still didn't anyone ever teach you that it's wrong to trespass ? ❞⇉


          '   You'll do as I command.  '
          ; cb and specify! ♡


/          oh yeah heyyy twirls hair


/ any or friendly 


cute or anythin ya wanf :DD