hey guys its been *checks watch* four years?? i know ive been dead af on this app (sorry) but i've been feeling an itch to write so consider this me putting out feelers for a POSSIBLE.... lionheart rewrite !?!
where i left it (and i do feel bad about leaving it HAHA) im just not happy enough to continue it and still feel good about it. and since i write for fun i do want to enjoy what i write! i do dearly love the story and albany and because i have tried and failed to continue it several times i think now i would like to tell it again from the start with a few changes.
so this is NOT A PROMISE because god knows i still suck at committing to my work but more of a question, to any of you who are still around: does a lionheart rewrite interest you? i would likely write a good chunk of it and then update it bi-weekly or so, so it won't be for a while if it happens at all. but i will try to keep ye updated!! its crazy at all that i still get daily notifications for lionheart so thank you for all the love and hopefully you will hear from me soon! <3