haii, aah akhirnya bisa menemukanmu, seneng banget
ada saat aku kangen bgt ama ceritamu di wordpress yg smpai sekarang masih belum di lanjut chii (heheh) i wish there are next chapts everytime i reload that page, but there are only chapt 15th i can read,
And when i found u here n u replied my massage, actually i hope there ll be another chapter for that, or such a remake of the story
Common chii every single words that u ve written is so beutifull, and a great plot too,
Berharap nemuin crita menarik lain chii di wattpad, tp smpe sekarang gk ada yg bisa kek critamu smpe aku reload terus kalo lg kangen krna udah masuk bookmark ku, hehe
Maaf panjang banget, tp truly miss you