
Hi yall! How do i delete books from the library ? Does anyone know ? Please let me know if you do ,thanksss.


@lydiawofficial If using a mobile device, long press and tap on ' remove from library'. 


Hey there, I just now read ur book twist of fate. It's really awesome but leave me in cliffhanger. R u planning to write sequel to that book? When r u going to post it? Really can't wait yaar..


@144g1a0144 Yeah ,I planned to though ,but right now I deleted that book. Will publish it again soon. And yes ,there will be a sequel. VERY SOON! Thank you fr your kind words.


If you have or are reading my book Insane Anirudh fanfiction, I have a GOOD news! Since I have had second thoughts about Insane Love, and that many of you love the story, it is put to Editing . The first few chapters will have a lot of changes made so if you have time to read them, you can go back and enjoy the edited version of Insane Love. But, the story core is the same although the flow of events are altered. Do checkout when you have time, and let me know how far has it been improved.'
          Thanks for your time! and by the way...part 2 updates are promised and the deal seems to be working. Do checkout ;)


Hey girl!! 
          How are u doing??
          Plz go through my work "Turn of Life" n let me know ur opinions!! They mean a lot to me!!


@menaka92 thanks dear!! Have a happy reading!!


@menaka92 Hey there ,I'm doing good ,thank you :) 
            And yeah sure..I'll check it out later :) I'll surely do that.