
Hello Im Chikita
          I was wondering if you could pleaz read my stories called
           'I stole form him and he loves me...why?' && 'Why do things always happen to me' I really need some feedback and could you pleaz vote&&comment and possibly become a fan. Im pretty sure you'll like it :)) Thanks if you read it Id really apricate a vote!!!


Hey, I love you­r work. You are an awesome writer! 
          If you have tim­­­­e could you check out my­ s­to­ry­, I would really b­e gr­atef­ul. ­It's my firs­t one,­ and i­ts not­ finis­hed yet ­but feed­back is ­­always appreciated. 
          Here is a link ­­­­just in case you have th­e ­ti­me to read it: 
          Thanks for your time :)