
this message may be offensive
Ok just hopping on here to say sorry Reuniting is pretty much dead. It's not like anyone was reading it anyways. I might still upload it once in a blue moon but honestly I doubt it. I just don't find the time to write anymore (yes even less than I used to. Who would've thought that's possible?) 
          	Anyway to the few people that read that story: thank you so much and I'm sorry I'm lazy as shit for never writting on it


this message may be offensive
Ok just hopping on here to say sorry Reuniting is pretty much dead. It's not like anyone was reading it anyways. I might still upload it once in a blue moon but honestly I doubt it. I just don't find the time to write anymore (yes even less than I used to. Who would've thought that's possible?) 
          Anyway to the few people that read that story: thank you so much and I'm sorry I'm lazy as shit for never writting on it


Hey Everyone,
          I'm not gonna make this a 100% promise but there's a very good chance I will update Reuniting tonight. 
          After that, things will change. In the next few weeks/months I might not have time to write at all (which is torture cause I'm getting ideas all over the place gahhhrg). I have high school finals coming up and after those I gotta figure out what to do with my life. Thanks to Corona my original plan is pretty much trashed now so I don't really know what's gonna happen. 
          Once I figured out some kind of plan I will get back to writing and I will try to write more. It makes me mad that I barely upload on here but I'm lazy and I hate typing I promise I will try to get off my lazy ass more and give you guys some content.
          Stay safe and much love


So I still haven't updated Reuniting... I have so many ideas in my head and I want to write so bad but everytime I would have a little spare time to do so I'm either too tired or something else comes up. I know this absolutely sucks but I have to put the more pressing matters in life first. My finals start at the end of April and till then I will be very busy studying even though I hope I can at least put out one chapter for you guys (if anyone is even still reading the story). I promise I have not forgotten about Reuniting and I like it too much to just stop writting it. It will just take time.
          Lots of love


To all readers of Reuniting.
          I am beyond sorry for not updating in god even knows how long. I once again don't have a better excuse for it than that life has been absolutely crazy (and my lazyness). I am currently in senior year and writting exam after exam. I have so much to do outside of school as well: organize a lot of legal stuff because I turned 18, get my drivers license, plan pretty much my entire future and keep up in acting classes on top of normal school work (no pressure you see). I don't deal well with stress, it literally makes me sick. I had a pressure anxiety attack just today and my (admittedly self-diagnosed) depression should kick in again as well soon because winter is close and I always get problems in Winter. 
          I know you are waiting for me to put out a new chapter and I promise you it is in the works. I have about a third of it typed down already and it will definitely longer than the last chapters as well, but right now I really just have to put my health and future first. I hope you can all understand and that I won't have to keep you guys waiting for much longer.
          Tons of Love for all of you❤❤❤


@luzie1910 thank you❤ I really appreciate it. Its just a lot of stuff at once right now. I'm overwhelmed that's all.


Oh God...sorry to hear about all your problems. 
            Listen, it’s perfect understandable, most of the stories I wrote last year were written during the summer when I had nothing better to do than write because 2018 was a very messy year for me too! 
            You must not overstrain yourself, take a break every now and then, not only will you be more relaxed, but your writing will improve if you’re more calm :) 
            Good luck with everything! I wish you the best ;)