Hey everybody! If you follow me on twitter then you probably already know about this, but my laptops WiFi card bit the dust at work yesterday :/ Thankfully, my coworkers husband works on computers and had the ability to get one and replace it for nothing. But, im without my computer. I was supposed to ba bale to pick it up tomorrow, but (don't you just LOVE that word?!) my computer is older than they thought and he got the wrong part. SO I will probably not get it in time to update. (BuT hOw aRe YoU UpDaTiNg nOw?!) Well, I am on the household desktop (EW) this forces me to interact with family... so forgive me if things are still slow. I was really looking forward to getting heavy into some writing tomorrow. Well see how things go. Again, thanks for all your support. I am doing my best to still give you guys content :)