
@CallMeeAsh thanks! :) 


@CallMeeAsh I dont think there will be any more for that one, sadly. Like most of my work from last year, I lost interest in it. And I cant write about things I'm not interested in. I will keep it up though, seeing that it is  a little bit popular. Im trying to think of a new fanfiction idea because I feel a bit inspired to finish a book for once. If you have suggestions please let me know. I could use all the help I can get :)


My reasons for being gone for so long even when I promised you guys a second update? 
          1. no internet at my house last saturday and sunday
          2. grounded from computer from monday-friday
          3. my phone does not save ANY of my work so it's impossible to write my stories on there.
          I hope you guys aren't too disapointed in me :/ There was just absolutely no way I could work on updating. Im really sorry. I'll make up for it, I promise.