
im starting my exams soon so i figured i should take a break from wattpad from awhile. ill still be interacting with people on here but i just wont be uploading chapters


Hey would you like to do a read for read?


@LxgendGxmer thank uu it was late at night for me the last time i messaged u, so ill be reading a bit of yours later


@luvelleszzz i started yours, it’s different but i like it so far!


@LxgendGxmer okay sure!! i love me some MM


GUYSSS i just posted chapter 9 and omg im so sorry i think i cant keep up with the twice a week thing i thought too highly of myself ngl. i think i can only upload once a week at most.. sometimes missing some weeks because like idk, having to juggle school and dance and writing and time for my other hobbies and time for myself is so hard to find within a span of 24hrs. but anyway imma stop yappin. not like i have a big fanbase to keep up with anyways, thanks for reading this if u did!!!!


@luvelleszzz Take care of yourself and don't burn out! 
            If you look after yourself, the words will flow easier~


I'm not able to post chapter 8 today since these 4 days, I've had a lot of school events and programmes to attend to which led me to come home at 7pm everyday. Hence, i was not able to complete chapter 8. But i think it's still okay if I'm a bit irregular since i don't really have a big group of people waiting for me to post anyways haha anyways, stay safe guys :)


Can’t wait for chapter 8!!