
i can't believe i missed salvatore's first year anniversary! time goes by so fast, i don't think the person i was last summer would recognize me today. i'm not into danplan/actually stephen fandom as much, don't get me wrong! i love everyone still and watch their content. i just fell off a bit is all. i'm still continuing the series! there's a part of me that won't die in peace if i don't finish my story. updates may be slow but i'm not planning to give up on it any time soon!


@luvinpixies AAAAAAAA wait really? i missed it too  but same


hello VERY late new years but i love rereading your story so much


@timetravellingkarlos aw stop :( reading the new messages mean so much to me, i can't believe you remembered this account after so long. i'm so sorry for barely coming back, i hope it's not too late. thank you so much for catching up and messaging me <3


did you switch accounts, are you ok like /gen


@timetravellingkarlos oh my god!! i randomly thought about the random danplan au fanfic i made in freshman year and out of curiosity i logged back in - i had no idea someone was waiting for an update or at least a message! sorry for the longggggg overdue update




@coffeeghost0  oml this was 3 years ago, i'm so sorry for barely getting to you now! i wrote salvatore like 8th grade to freshman year and now i'm in college, time flies by so fast. winter break is coming soon so there might be a new chapter update :)


i can't believe i missed salvatore's first year anniversary! time goes by so fast, i don't think the person i was last summer would recognize me today. i'm not into danplan/actually stephen fandom as much, don't get me wrong! i love everyone still and watch their content. i just fell off a bit is all. i'm still continuing the series! there's a part of me that won't die in peace if i don't finish my story. updates may be slow but i'm not planning to give up on it any time soon!


@luvinpixies AAAAAAAA wait really? i missed it too  but same