
Omg.  It's been 3yrs since I open this account.  Lol


hi I’m a fan of hiro0911.. what happened to him? It’s been a while huhuh I need an update! 


Hi there!. Why some chapter are missing?, chapter 74-75 i think???? the missing part is where ayane ACCEDENTALY Shot her okaa-san,(wich is really an accedent). And the part where ayane come to airport then there was an explotion but she manage to escape and kosuke thought shes dead thats why they were shock, along with tomo yuken and others in the 2book. Anyway, i also happened to read it a year ago,reapetedly coz its really awsome, and i just read it again coz.... its really awsome so yeah,hope you can do something about it... love love


i think there's some chapters missing on the F&L 1 here. the part in the hospice where empress died and ayane first killed someone. I read the f&L 1&2 many years ago many times and i miss it again so i read it again. But, i was dissapointed to find out that there's some missing chapters. or was i wrong? but please check it out. thanks!