
SAILOR,    WHY  THE  FROWN  ?  info/hc thread.


azzurra has a severe fear of drowning, but despite this, sails perfectly fine. he just refuses to be alone if he’s going to go into the water.
          	  has a habit of stealing, simply due to the fact that he wants to find the treasure he’s after. 
          	  one for blander food, as the taste of salt reminds him of diving into the sea waters to unsuccessfully save his late husband.
          	  the hunt
          	  luvian, lushaka native
          	  6'0 foot in height (184cm)
          	  inky black hair,  striking emerald orbs, multiple piercings to the ear.


currently, azzurra is a land - dweller in search of the forgotten gems left. there’s one in particular, a silver plated necklace that his husband had worn everywhere. it held a ruby crystal in the centre. such a beauty had been lost to the bleak seas of lushaka, so he believes he must search for it. to have / something / left of his forgotten one.


it’s said that the edars ( aqua sprites ) have ethereal voices that can lure the land - dwellers to their demise by drawing them into the freezing depths.  
          	  there was a crash when his body hit the seas surface, drawing down and down.. until no air-bubbles remained.  azzurra had dived in to try and save the dying man, but it was far too late. too much sea water had flooded his system, and his body—  it was torn into. as if some vile creature had been feasting. 


try  as  you  might,     the  waters  bend  to  /my/  will.     not  the  other  way  around.


tsk  tsk,  and  why  should  i  do  that?    youre  right  here.


            agh,  shit—    cut  it  out  !!  what  do  you  want,  huh  ?!  bother  someone  else  !


this  man..    is  incredibly  gloomy.    always  a  scowl  on  his  face,    his  hand  always  gripping  the  sheathe  of  his  sword.    but  the  youth  never  unsheathes  it.     his  gaze  is  hard  as  per  usual,  an  elbow  on  his  knee  as  he  blinks  at  the  other.   "  what?  "     the  young  man's  eyes  will  sometimes  flick  to  a  crimson  red,    only  when  blood  is  spilled  however.    currently,   he  shifts  from  where  he  sits,   an  inch  taller  than  the  other  man.   his  gaze  flicking  to  the  palm  of  his  hand--   where  a  clear  old  scar  is  visible.   


"  cheer  up?  "    he  makes  a  face,    his  eyes  hard  as  he  stares  at  the  other.   his  lips  drawn  into  a  thin  line,   before  he  scowled.   he  touches  the  hilt  of  his  sword.     "...    i  dont  feel  the  need  to  cheer  up.  "


            [   the  sun  blazes  no  more  when  the  bleak  of  night  passes  over  them,  replaced  with  the  moon’s  glowing  rays  shining  down  on  the  two.  azzurra  seems  unwillingly  to  walk  any  closer,  keeping  a  fair  distance  as  he  eyes  the  one  sitting.  he  can’t  be  too  hasty,  with  the  man  bearing  such  a  weapon.  ]   kinda  gloomy,   aren’t  you  ?  cheer  up,  at  least  you’re  not  six  feet  under  in  water  pressure. 


the  edars..?   couldn't  you  just  call  them  sirens?
          *   im  on  my  little  pre  -   stellaron  hunter  yahui  grind.


you  use  music  to  overpower  their  voices,   and  then  strike  while  the  irons  hot.   


            cut  it  out  !  deal  with  them  ?  and  how  ?  if  it  works  the  same  way,  fine  by  me,  but  i  don’t  /  need  /  more  on  my  plate  right  now.  


the  method  to  deal  with  them  might  be  similar.    but  oh,   what  would  i  know?    youre  never  in  the  mood.


SAILOR,    WHY  THE  FROWN  ?  info/hc thread.


azzurra has a severe fear of drowning, but despite this, sails perfectly fine. he just refuses to be alone if he’s going to go into the water.
            has a habit of stealing, simply due to the fact that he wants to find the treasure he’s after. 
            one for blander food, as the taste of salt reminds him of diving into the sea waters to unsuccessfully save his late husband.
            the hunt
            luvian, lushaka native
            6'0 foot in height (184cm)
            inky black hair,  striking emerald orbs, multiple piercings to the ear.


currently, azzurra is a land - dweller in search of the forgotten gems left. there’s one in particular, a silver plated necklace that his husband had worn everywhere. it held a ruby crystal in the centre. such a beauty had been lost to the bleak seas of lushaka, so he believes he must search for it. to have / something / left of his forgotten one.


it’s said that the edars ( aqua sprites ) have ethereal voices that can lure the land - dwellers to their demise by drawing them into the freezing depths.  
            there was a crash when his body hit the seas surface, drawing down and down.. until no air-bubbles remained.  azzurra had dived in to try and save the dying man, but it was far too late. too much sea water had flooded his system, and his body—  it was torn into. as if some vile creature had been feasting. 