
Happy Valentines Day!!!! May you spend your day with your loved ones!


Trish I know this probably isn't a good timing but I have, like, 2 questions: 1. What's the title of the story about Mr. W****y? 2. Did you write a story omg I wanna read XD 


Sorry Graceeee. I think you've read it tho. I don't usually read board. Next time just line me. And I did write a story, it was Hunger Games fanfic but I deleted it. I didn't plan the plot and DK how I continue


Thank you for following! You do know me in school, right? I have followed you back! And your best friend as well! Actually, is there more from our school?


Yeah, Fiorencia right? sorry I usually don't read board. hehehe. You move school alrd tho. There are a lot of POS kids here. You can find from my following or followers