
hiiii guys :) so i’ve been in & out of hospital for the last few months with breast cancer (which sucks btw), i don’t see myself using this account much anymore so i just wanted to say goodbye ☹️ love you guys <3 but on a brighter note, my little sister just made an account @-dukedennis if you wanted to support her! she’s planning on writing some stories soon <3 thank you for supporting me & my stories for this long 


@luvzrk love u star ♥︎


hiiii guys :) so i’ve been in & out of hospital for the last few months with breast cancer (which sucks btw), i don’t see myself using this account much anymore so i just wanted to say goodbye ☹️ love you guys <3 but on a brighter note, my little sister just made an account @-dukedennis if you wanted to support her! she’s planning on writing some stories soon <3 thank you for supporting me & my stories for this long 


@luvzrk love u star ♥︎


right so… (iykyk) i’ve been going through so much recently, i thought i was getting better but it turns out things are getting worse. there probably won’t be a update for awhile :((( thank u for all the love & votes on my story, i appreciate it soooo much. i just wanted to apologize. thankyouthankyouthankyou 


@luvzrk girly do not worry! take as much time as you need, love you and ur storys and hope ur okay xx


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trying to stay as positive as possible !! it’s been a long fucking year so far. i’ll still support my mutuals stories (ily guys<3) but i don’t have the energy to write at the moment.  -starla