Thank you so much for Voting on my story "The Man Next Door" means a lot to me <3
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Thank you so much for Voting on my story "The Man Next Door" means a lot to me <3
I made a twitter acc lol
Thank you for supporting "Before the Lies." I hope you like the storyline!
Ahoy there, Shewy! (*´∇`*) Much love, thanks, and appreciation for checking out my story “The Tale of A Villainess” and voting for it! Your generous votes mean a lot to me~ I value them so much! PS Shen Yue is BAE UGH! Please enjoy your day <3
@iimagineii Awww! Thank You Dear Authornim! *bows* lol although I don't comment regularly and haven't finish it yet since I like to read it online lol. I actually Love the plot and story! Im a sucker for ancient chinese story hehez anyways hope to read more from you after finishing it ^_^
Ya'll Im archiving some of DiYue stories the first step to my detachment lol But "im a hypocrite* Im currently re reading Ate Mai's "Plutocratic" I just finished "Where The Moon Meets The Sun" *for the 10th time lmao* Really want to make a twitter account but then .... maybe one day ... Anyway Lafyue you all I will still finish all my stories don't worry ^_^
@MariquitGalang oMG Hahahaha I just finished Plutocratic last night im re read Luna right away lol HAHAHA
@weinnahauyeung0056 HAHAHAHAHAHA OO NGA WAIT LANG MAY PA SABAG AKO SOON KAHIT MAY GF PA SI DD LOL HAHAHAH *for sure si mary whatever sumasakit na ang ulo kaka tumbling but anna opp! * char HAHAHAHA
Hello . I know im always MIA . I just got to see the news this morning. And I can't stop myself but to cry. Im so sorry ... I felt like I shouldn't check my twitter today but ... you see I just did... that is why I knew.. I will still try to write and to continue to write DiYue | DyShen stories . I'm actually a fan of DD *im actually not bothered if the idols i admired started to date someone I should also do it also to DD right? But why do i feel like i can't accept it?* (im so immature i know) But you see being fan is to be there for the person you admire and to continue supporting him/her. I know it's too early to say this but ... I Respect DD's decision ... it's his life... we just need to support him and be there for him. My YueDi heart is breaking to be honest... im writing nonsense right now cause i can't see my screen anymore ... im so sorry .. We may not have The real "Daoming Si"and "Dong Shancai" in real life as a lovers... but We will ALWAYS HAVE THEIR FRIENSHIP. I think that's all for now... The Universe is so funny in someways and such a btch also*im just being honest* Again I STILL LOVE WANG HE DI AND SHEN YUE WITH ALL OF MY HEART! i dont ship actors and actress casually and i've been shipping some cps in the past but the two of them ... its different... im drawn to them ... you guys know this "feeling" right? Whenever you see them both right? I actually want this to write on twitter but i do not like to drop my twitter for now ... Maybe one day lol* Anyway guys Let's be happy to the both of them Yue and DiDi And also for our DD boy... *if ever they confirm* That's all guys let's just focus to them in their career and be there FOR THEM ALWAYS That's all im gonna continue to cry now cause i need to release it ... im so sorry if i sound stupid or what. Huhuhu im just you guys already know okay ... bye ... for now.
I still want to send the pictures to you guys but since this was wattpad... :<
@Muni3107 awww thank you! ^_^ *sorry if this story is a bit cringy lol* I just hope that i can find a inspo to write something about them again ..... but i will try thanks again.
Hi Everyone! How are you all? Hope you guys are still with me. lol :D Will drop two one shots this week and the second part for my new short story series : "The Startlet and The Dragon King: It's very long on the way to 5k words lmao i will also edit it to correct the grammars and errors in spellings So i will need your patience huhuhu For the two one shots those are been in my magic chest for decades now Hahaha The fluff is already completed and edited while the Smut are half way done just need to continue it and edit it Thankful that I can still remember what ending i planned for the mature one hehehe Will not drop specific day but within this week i will drop three stories Also this a responds to my dear friend Weinna *sends virtual hug* Stay Safe and Stay Healthy! -shewy
HELLO FRIENDS! I ALREADY DELETED THE TEASER FOR "Love Will Tear Us Apart" SINCE I MIGHT PUBLISHED IT EARLIER THAN THIS FRIDAY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PAITIENTLY WAITING FOR ME *it mean a lot for me* *im not even crying* *suddenly cri a lot * Well then .... Until the next update ^_^ -shewy
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