another update... working on the last chapter. i hope to finish it today or tomorrow. no guarantees, though, and i'll likely proofread it and edit it a little bit after i finish before i publish it. then, as i've mentioned before, i'll *hopefully* have an update schedule that's once a week, once a week then twice a week, or twice a week. this also depends on what the final chapter count is since i might splice some or most of the chapters. i don't think it'll end up being 10 chapters long, but let's say it was, and i updated twice a week. it'd be over in a little over a month. that's a little quick, don't you think? yes, it's a short story, and while i don't like when my stories end up (which they almost always end up doing anyway lol) taking years to publish in their entirety, i also can't say i like it when i took months or even years to write something just for it to be over in a month. like, you know?
but i'm almost done, that much i can assure you of.