
AtencionDIRECTIONERS : By July 23 , as is the anniversary , we have to do the following , we have to make What Makes You Beautiful becomes the most viewed video in the history and overcome 1.126.647.600 baby visits ( justin bieber ) so far is the most viewed video ever. For this we need to paste this message on every page , group, event and all that is related to One Direction . Corran voices , I know we can do it !!! Let's start now because we have to overcome million. Let's be real Directioners and break the world record in history. GO !! THE IDEA IS NOT MOVE OR DETHRONE ONLY WANT JUSTIN BIEBER ... cheer OUR ANNIVERSARY FOR YOUR IDOLS . Spend chain groups , pages, friends, etc. ALREADY KNOW


AtencionDIRECTIONERS : By July 23 , as is the anniversary , we have to do the following , we have to make What Makes You Beautiful becomes the most viewed video in the history and overcome 1.126.647.600 baby visits ( justin bieber ) so far is the most viewed video ever. For this we need to paste this message on every page , group, event and all that is related to One Direction . Corran voices , I know we can do it !!! Let's start now because we have to overcome million. Let's be real Directioners and break the world record in history. GO !! THE IDEA IS NOT MOVE OR DETHRONE ONLY WANT JUSTIN BIEBER ... cheer OUR ANNIVERSARY FOR YOUR IDOLS . Spend chain groups , pages, friends, etc. ALREADY KNOW


AtencionDIRECTIONERS: Para el 23 de julio, como es el aniversario, vamos ha hacer lo siguiente, vamos ha hacer que What Makes You Beautiful llegue a ser el video mas visto en toda la historia y superar los 1.126.647.600 visitas de baby (justin bieber) que hasta ahora es el vídeo mas visto de la historia. Para esto necesitamos que peguen este mensaje en cada pagina, grupo, evento y en todo que este relacionado con One Direction. Corran las voces, se que podemos lograrlo!!!Empecemos desde ahora porque tenemos que superar millones. Seamos verdaderas Directioners y rompamos el récord mundial de la historia. GO!! LA IDEA NO ES DESPLAZAR O DESTRONAR A JUSTIN BIEBER...SOLO QUEREMOS ALEGRAR A NUESTROS IDOLOS POR SU ANIVERSARIO. Pasen la cadena a grupos, paginas, amigos, etc. YA SABEN


Holaaaa  caramelo!
          veras, he empezado  una historia con el Lucho y le tengo muchas esperanzas :')
          me harías  un fran favar y te pasarías  por ella? 
          Significaría  el mundo, en serio. 
          Perdón  las molestias pretty, estoy  probando  suerte ≥3≤
          Gracias  de antemano!!