
the fic about draco getting off on harry's parseltongue was called parselkink whoever was asking- I FOUND IT AGAIN


          I would like to invite you to read my book "The Wolf and his Moon" 
          It would really mean a lot to me if you gave the story a chance. Thank you so much!!!
          I hope you'll like it... Fingers crossed!!!


SOOOOO um I have a fic/series idea for someone to do I wont do it so its out there but just hear me out....
          'Every wizarding generation has a group of troublemakers- prankers who roamed the magical world spreading mischief. From before Hogwarts was made to long after it dies. A group of children are gifted with the ability to humour, to make others laugh in the bleakest of times, during wars and famines to crazy changing worlds. 
          These chosen ones leave a gift- a legacy to the next generation magic has chosen to lead the world. 
          Some may be known- some are not. 
          You may have heard of a few: The Marauders for example with their magical map. The Millennial generation producing the Infamous Weasley twins. 
          However, after the tragic death of Frederick Gideon during the Second Wizarding War, the other started to lose his passion for pranking and his talent started to fade. 
          So magic has chosen the next generation, soon their gifts and ideas will manifest. 
          Hogwarts will not know what had hit them. 
          Call the Aurors and probably a Curse-Breaker-
          Because this lot are planning to jump over the bar set for them
          And it is high. 
          So meet Generation Z's candidates: 
          For The Managers Of Mischief."
          Also, it would be amazing if someone did it for the generations before the Marauders or way into the future as well
          If you do it tag me plz 
          Love yall 