
Im not completely sure what to write for my Bellarke story. Any ideas or suggestions?


@WatteverDoYouMean Write more about the bellarke family and pregnancy


@WatteverDoYouMean the delinquents camp is split into 2 groups. Clarke rules one, and Bellamy the other. They go on as enemies for some time, but she starts trusting him before all the others from her group do, and when they are okay with each other, they reunite all the delinquents. idk this idea just came:)) If you need others, let me now.


Im not completely sure what to write for my Bellarke story. Any ideas or suggestions?


@WatteverDoYouMean Write more about the bellarke family and pregnancy


@WatteverDoYouMean the delinquents camp is split into 2 groups. Clarke rules one, and Bellamy the other. They go on as enemies for some time, but she starts trusting him before all the others from her group do, and when they are okay with each other, they reunite all the delinquents. idk this idea just came:)) If you need others, let me now.


Hey an idea for story hidden is you could have  the next chapter of the story in Clarke’s perspective while she’s unconscious where she’s her dad and Wells again and their telling her it’s not her time  yet and that she’s to return to Lexa, Madi and Bellamy. You could also bring in the possibility that she pregnant and her tells her. Then go to the real world and have Abby discover that and tell the others! Just a thought don’t worry if you don’t like it! Massive fan of your book!!


Sorry I didn’t see this until now. I think this is a great idea! I’ll try and add it in. 


It’s meant to say her dad tells her she’s pregnant 