someone hurt you. who was it ? i’ll torture them to death.

id. @magicreated ☾* the sudden rise of fury coming from him made the hybrid flinch lightly, eyes widening a little. another small amount of blood pooled in his mouth, spilling out before he felt their hand cover his mouth, feeling it fill before he was eventually forced to swallow it back down, shivering in disgust at the metallic taste. everything felt like pain. . . his body ached, muscles burned, his throat felt sore & his eyes oh so tired. . but their words brought him / comfort, / something very hard for anyone to really bring to lupin. the relief that washed over him as he felt some of that ache go away made him slowly relax, some parts still felt horrible, shaking remaining that wasn’t as bad as before, but at least it wasn’t all of his body now. he took deep breaths to slowly calm himself down, a small bit of panic rising within him as he listened to what he was saying, staring up at him with pleading eyes as if begging them not to do any harm to his attacker — & he was glad with the answer he eventually got. a tired hand gently grasped one of leo’s, trying to muster a weak, reassuring smile to lighten his mood, even if it was just a bit *

no ? no !? * his voice rose as his eyes flashed with anger, soon kneeling down as he brushed his whole hand against their mouth in attempt to stop the blood from escaping any longer. * it’s okay, love. it’ll be better soon. just don’t say anything, leo will make everything feel better. * he whispered, hands quickly roaming around their body though he was slightly hovering above as he wasn’t touching them directly. his magic making quick works, and even though he couldn’t heal them fully. it’ll definitely make them feel better. * i’ll torture them in ways they’d never even seen or known before . . i’ll tie them by the . . * he fell silent when he sensed the other staring at him, biting the inside of his mouth he shook his head. * i won’t hurt them . . just stay with me, please.

id. @magicreated ☾* normally, talking had been a hard task for lupin, but it wasn’t bad compared to other things he struggled with — yet right now, it seemed to be the most difficult thing he could do. body trembled violently as he choked, coughing harshly as blood spilled from his mouth. words came out in a jumbled slur at first, breathing shallow * n — no. . don’t. . * was the first thing he got out, not wanting them to do such a thing despite what had happened to him — no matter how much that person deserved it * h — hurts, leo. . . hurts so much. . d — don’t like it. . . * he whimpered, words breaking up a little *