"awh. aren't you precious?" he said, leaning against the bar. his voice dripped with sweetness, like honey. but there was a slight snipe to his comment -- it was clear he made it as a way,, that was truly how he viewed them. he placed an arm on the bar, knocking back a shot as he tipped his hat down. slender fingers kept his hat down, hair obstructing his face slightly as shadows played across his face in the dimness of the bar.

calico swiftly took their hand back, busying it with another glass and the towel to hide the slight tremble. ( was it from fear? or was it from being flustered by the kiss being laid upon their hand? both, they quickly decided. ) she nodded at his words, she knew that much. the deputy kept her updated whenever he had to make trips out of town, keeping her updated on her bounty which went up quite a bit since she last checked. “ is that so? well, they only believe me to be a violent girl and that my steed is rampant. i believe they’re exaggeratin’ ‘cause patty’s the best horse i know. and do i seem very violent to ya, huh, tex? ” she switched her calm face to one of a teasing smile, putting down the next cup right in front of him and sweeping away the empty shot glasses. calico then reached down into the bars open cabinet and pulled out one of her recent whiskeys. “ mm, how ‘bout this, a drink on the house? this one here jus’ finished aging and ‘m wonderin’ if it tastes good enough to sell. up fer it? “ / RAGHHH JUST GOT FREE TIME TO RESPOND >:D also i hate this character limit ...

** @lonestarcowboy . . . the barkeep kept a weary eye on the man that sat at her bar, albeit the strange hour she was glad to have the patronage. and also the company. calico only shrugged at the question, opening her mouth just slightly to ask the question but snapped it shut as he introduced himself. it nerved her a small bit that he knew her name, but what could a girl do when her face was plastered on wanted posters all over the country. “ correct . . . n’ sincerely it is, tex, ‘m mostly flattered at how many shots . . . you’ve . . . ” their words slowed as he took their hand, eyes following his movements —– ain’t no one treated her so . . . lady-like before. ( though that happens when you present yourself as a male to escape the law. ) but she couldn’t say she didn’t enjoy it, they were only a gal after all. even still, they kept calm. their expression never wavering even as he brought up the bounty. an almost forced smile came to their features, “ oh that ol’ piece of paper? ain’t do anything that isn’t written on it, sir. though, haven’t seen it in a while. what’re they sayin’ ‘bout me these days? ” [ 1 / 2 ]

he drummed his nails on the countertop, long nails tapping slightly as he observed them,, eyes flicking to every small detail. "sir ,, huh? now ,, im sure you could at least ask me my name,, darlin' " he said, smirk making the corner of his lips tilt up. he blew a few strands of hair away from his face,, tilting his hat up. he seemed to gesture or mess with his hat a lot,, a nervous gesture,, even if it was subconscious. however,, his movements were still fluid,, and looked natural. "im tex ,, and you 're ... calico ,, right? well well well ,, the pleasure, is all yours" he said,, leaning across the counter as he took their hand. he was bold,, charming in a way as he placed a kiss to their knuckles ,, "i can tell you know the toil,, the work of someone who works hard for a living. ain't that a rarity. you seem like an honest one. tell me ,, what's got that bounty on your head that everyone round' these parts is lookin' for?" "because, between you and me,, i overheard some unsavory types, probably bountyhunters,, who would love to get their hands on you" his words were casual as he let their hand go with a flourish,, donning his hat oncemore as he hid his face . "y'know those down in the underbelly talk a lot 'bout you. you're not quite what a expected. but,, it's like they say,, cain't never could" he smirked. a list of his shoulders that resembled a shrug, another shot knocked back,, and a kick of his heels against the floorboards that kicked up dust. he seemed to be in constant motion,, a way to get rid of the restless energy. / my discord crashed so .. HERE I AM, HELP

i said give me the “ best “ liquor ya’ got… don’t take me as a wimp! what is this?

【 ✩ 】 well, i was expectin’ stronger… ya’ pal ain’t doin’ too good out here in these parts. [ he was mopey… all because he got rejected once again. ]

** @cowsanova . . . and what d’you take me for? a skank? that's the newest liquor i've got—- thing's been aging since i started this bar. first person to ever taste it n’ you say it ain’t good. . .

do you think i have a chance with that blonde over there? she looks like she needs some company.

【 ✩ 】 [ slowly, he turned his attention to callie, ] wow, than ya’, calster. that really made your best pals confidence go through the roof. [ his voice written in sarcasm. ]

** @cowsanova . . . hmmm. . . i mean you could try. there've been rumors ‘bout her seein’ that guy working at blacksmiths. you'll never know!

look, callie… i think ya’ horse has a problem with me.

【 ✩ 】 [ his eyes narrowed, slowly side eyeing the horse who was a few feet away from them. ] mhm… warm up… right. [ he mouthed the words to the horse, ] i got my eye on ya’.

** @cowsanova . . . patty? naww, he's sweet. jus' hasn't warmed up to ya yet, dally.

blue hues lifted, feeling the stare on them once again —– perhaps the idea of trying to ignore it wasn 't working after all. a curl to their lips is followed by a snarl, annoyed huff coming from the back of their throat. the tankard is slammed down into the wooden bar in front of them, already rather fed up,⠀⠀⠀⠀( it was a habit they should probably try and break, how easy the spitfire was to rule up without even saying /anythin'/ to them. one wrong look or move was enough to already get their temper raising. maybe the reputation of not being easy to get along with wasn 't from nowhere. ) ⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ the 'ell do you keep lookin' at me for .ᐣ if you have somethin' to say, go ahead and spit it out. ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀words are spat with unusual aggression, but the truth was, that really was just their normal tone.. leaving people with no other options other than to take it, or to leave it.

being as brash and outspoken as the rogue was, it wasn 't too big of a surprise that they spoke out eventually ... although it wasn 't really their intention to start any fights or anything tonight. all they really wanted was to settle down for the night with a few drinks before heading back to their camp... their normal routine anywhere they went.⠀⠀⠀maybe that 's why it took them slightly off guard when the tone they were met with wasn 't one with equal bite, but something rather unbothered and joyous instead. that was... not too common, it felt, or maybe it just wasn 't something common for them in particular. either way, it gave them a mixed handful of feelings,⠀⠀⠀something they couldn 't quite put their finger on, and the annoyance that stayed shining through their tone now. that was what caused the scowl to stay fixed on their features .⠀⠀⠀⠀( they /were/ the one that said something first... but really, they weren 't /attempting/ to /invite/ them into a full conversation. )⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ didn 't know i needed a reason to get a drink.❞ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀then, an eyebrow raised, scoff of air falling through parted lips. maybe they should 've known, barkeeps always did have that sort of intuition, as she had just mentioned, but still, they 'd be damned if they talked about their issues with a stranger.⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ well, you got it wrong, 'm fine,⠀⠀⠀ and besides,⠀⠀⠀ y'should keep your nose out of business that 's not yours to begin with. ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀they really weren 't in the mood for this whole charade, not that they ever were, but where did they get off to trying to prod into business that wasn 't hers .ᐣ assuming things when they shouldn 't .ᐣ⠀⠀⠀⠀( but what they hated the most though was the fact she wasn 't wrong about it. yet emera wasn 't ever in bars or taverns to /talk/ about things, they were there to run from them.⠀⠀⠀from things, from people, who knew anymore .ᐣ ⠀⠀⠀they ran from a lot of things... not out of fear, but out of spite. )

** @noble-rogue . . . it usually wasn't calico's nature to stare at a patron—- especially if it was one who was a rather generous one as well. this was their. . . what? second tankard? but something about them, maybe it was the unnatural hair or maybe how they carried themselves. calico didn't know, and yet she busied herself with a whiskey glass that was probably already clean enough. ( though she knew patrons didn't care much about cleanliness, they've lived here long enough to know. but she always prided herself on making the best liquor and best experience in the town. which is only apart of the reason why the town is even letting her stay here. it was crazy, an outlaw being shielded by a town because of her contributions to the economy and the community. it wasn't that bad of a trade, really. ) but as the tankard slammed down, and the sounds of them being annoyed, calico looked down at the half empty cup before back at the patron. she tried to put on a friendly smile, deciding to place the cup down onto the bartender's side of the bar and pull out some of the whiskey. ( they hoped they liked the liquor. she did make it herself. ) the cowboy didn't flinch at the words, but all she did was tip her head slightly down. “d’ah. . . nothin’, really. jus’ wonderin’ what someone like you is doing in a town like this. we ain't really one to get visitors—- you can't blame me if i stare a lil!” calico laughed a little, always the joyous one, as she lifted her own whiskey glass and gave a slight salute to the other before taking a sip, “ah, but really. y’ look troubled. barkeeper's intuition.” ( more so she could smell something was up. one way or another. )

⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀hi quinny......... my b this took so long, was too preoccupied with the shouyu thoughts..... :weep:

that’s not going to work either.

@lycanthic, they're scared because i'm the best? aren't i? [ the last part wasn't said to her, but the spirit which would cower in the face of his presence alone. turning to face the creature, blindfold still secured over his eyes. he'd grin while walking closer to it, and while he made no movement other than his own two feet propelled forward, gojo's hands were still planted in his pockets. he continues to press on, a newfound pressure found between the cursed spirit and the sorcerer. however, he has it backed against a wall, his infinity creating that distance where he could touch the curse but it couldn’t have been done the other way around. he continues moving, and moving, and moving until .. POP! the spirit splatters across the alley walls. ] do i get my thank you now?

** @6THEYES . . . spirits, huh? looked mighty different in my day. . . [ calico raised an eyebrow at the strange individual, nonetheless she placed her pistol back into its holster at their hip. though, either way, neither her nor this cursed being were any of this mortal plane. they waved their hand away at the thing, ] i'll thank ya once you get rid of it. ‘sides the darn thing scared away my horse. got no clue where he is. i—- jus’ take care of the damn thing, goh — joe whatever your name is! surprised it's even lettin’ us talk if they're so bad.

@lycanthic, they’re called cursed—spirits. let’s not get ourselves into business we have no knowledge of then, ‘kaaay? i don’t want to deal with human remains, /BLEUGH/! [ gojo would make a hand signal of the fact that he would vomit, offering a verbal reaction as well as his eyes narrow. ] they can kill you if you’re not careful. you should be glad that i, gojo satoru, made it in time. but you can just pay me back by saying thank you this time, alright? free of charge.

you shouldn’t go near it. it could eat you.

that was your fault, not mine.

don’t be pokin’ round what don’t belong to you, missy.