
Authors give their helpless feeling to their characters. 
          	I love you tho my dear I really do. 
          	But I have to speak trough you, because I can’t do it, I got to stay strong. 


this message may be offensive
Your girl can’t write smut for shit, sorry. I PROMISE IT’S COMING SOON


Hi hi hiii! 
          So sorry for not updating Boy Meets What for so long but your girl can’t write smutty thing fast anyways. But! I have two books in mind one is inspired by one of my friends 
          So just chose pls
          I should not start a new book
          Love or Me? 
          Which one should be? 


Okay success now onto the real message! 
          (I will write every announcement in two languages, because I have a Hungarian and an English book too)
          Szóval annyi van hogy tanácstalan vagyok, mert van egy csomó könyvem amit elkezdtem írni vagy még csak ötlet szinten létezik és nem tudom eldönteni hogy kitegyem-e ide vagy tök felesleges, mert senkit nem érdekel. Ki mit gondol? 
          I can’t translate what I wrote up there fully but I’ll explain it. I have a lot of books in my notes or just as ideas and I can’t decide wether I should publish them or no one really cares about it. Thoughts?