
Hey everyone, the next update for TOTTKMS will be up tommorow. I promise!


Whoa so it's been a minute, more like a year actually. I am so sorry everyone. I ft caught up in a million things and it's been stressful. I am letting everyone know that TOTTKMS is continuing & I hope you all forgive me for the break I went on. Thank you for the reads, and the votes and comments. It means so much.


OK Haven~~So FanFic is what's happening--and you are one of its queens!  
          But you must also realize it's late summer. And that's when all  good girls' thoughts turn to fantasies right?. . .yup. THOSE kind!  :)
          So read  "A Walk in the Countryside" to wake up those desires. . . 
          [Hint: For best results better read this one in bed. . . alone]   :)
