
Just posted a new poem in Let's Start Over! It's a really deep poem, and I'll put a trigger warning on here. There is suicide mentioned in here. I'd love to here your thoughts on it!
          	- Love you my dinos <3


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


@ScarlettBlackDaisy Thank you for writing a great book! Can't wait to read more of it!


I love twenty one pilots! Their music is inspiring and creative and I love the fact that some of them have religion meanings. What do you like about their songs?


@TheMusicLovingDino Exactly. Their music is beautiful, they are the kind of songs that will make you sing along and dance, then when you're done you will sit down and think about it all.


@LeeMegEhiede I love how they actually have really deep meanings to them. And the religious aspect as well.


Did you hear joy. ?!


@WhisperingLark cleaning my room = exhausting XD


@WhisperingLark that's good. I love the acoustic guitar in it


It's been a while you lonely dinos! I've left you hanging for a while, but hopefully you will get another chapter of The Sky Is Blue Today tonight. I hope to see my goals met, so please take a look at the newest chapter! Tell others about my story please!
          Shout out to all those insomniacs out there who know that the best time to be creative is when you should be sleeping! Love you all! 


Hello my dinos! It is nice to see that we are all still together on this fine day! I know I updated The Sky Is Blue later than usual, but I've got a lot on my plate! A small dino like my can only deal with so much! Anyways... please read and tell others about me and my book! Let's not be lonely dinos for too long! ❤