
guys my mom surprised me on my birthday by taking me to a panic! at the disco concert with fourth row seats and i goT TO TOUCH BRENDON WHICH WAS WONDERFUL AND HE FELT SO AMAZING AND I CAUGHT KENNY'S PICK THAT HE PUT IN HIS MOUTH AND I CRIED SO MANY TIMES


guys my mom surprised me on my birthday by taking me to a panic! at the disco concert with fourth row seats and i goT TO TOUCH BRENDON WHICH WAS WONDERFUL AND HE FELT SO AMAZING AND I CAUGHT KENNY'S PICK THAT HE PUT IN HIS MOUTH AND I CRIED SO MANY TIMES


I'm working on a Fallout 4 fan fic that's mainly about Paladin Danse and the BoS so like, if you're interested in that jazz, watch out BITCH
          It's probably going to be a REALLY LONG TIME before I publish any of it, though. I've been putting a lot of effort into it so I hope it's actually good.


          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          This article is about the letter of the alphabet. For other uses, see H (disambiguation).
          "Aitch" redirects here. For the surname, see Aitch (surname). For the community in the United States, see Aitch, Pennsylvania.
          ISO basic
          Latin alphabet
          Aa	Bb	Cc	Dd
          Ee	Ff	Gg	Hh
          Ii	Jj	Kk	Ll
          Mm	Nn	Oo	Pp
          Qq	Rr	Ss	Tt
          Uu	Vv	Ww	Xx
          Yy	Zz		
          v t e
          Writing cursive forms of H
          H (named aitch /ˈeɪtʃ/ or haitch /ˈheɪtʃ/ plural aitches or haitches)[1] is the eighth letter in the ISO basic Latin alphabet.
          Contents  [hide] 
          1	History
          2	Name in English
          3	Use in writing systems
          3.1	English
          3.2	Other languages
          3.3	Other systems
          4	Related characters
          4.1	Descendants and related characters in the Latin alphabet
          4.2	Ancestors, siblings and descenda


 this is beautiful 