going to make a new story about my three years of trouble, im calling it 'the lies, roumors and pains of high school' yes it is an aim at many people but i think that it would be easier to get it all out of my system after friday's incident and actually move on without it weighing me down cause until i get it out its going to linger so ive decided to write it, im not trying to offend anyone, we all have our own expericences of high school and our own opinions but i guess this is my high school story. not causing trouble or nothing just putting that out there because it needs to be said

People like you drive me insane you make me cringe but ya know what I am not gonna loose sleep over it and I am not gonna let you put me down because you know you could I remember in year seven I selfharmed because I thought it would take the pain away but it made it worse!!!

when u realize the girl u have been arguing with isn't all bad and ur so upset that u lost a really good friend @hazbo21 and then u got that other friend who's always bringing u down

@katyedeson_2345 was I aiming it at u no so what on earth would u think that just reply on aprils phone

So many people do. It's okay. You're not alone. You never were and you never have to be. Whether you realize it or not, there will always be one person in the world who cares about you and knows the pain you're going through.

@CutsScarsAndBruises thank you people like u make me feel not alone in everything xx

this message may be offensive
Lyla Harris. The most amazing beautiful girl ever. Lyla you are my everything the reason im still here the reason i stopped cutting without you im nothing and i love you sooooooooooo much. our love isnt a lesbian love because were not lesbians. Our love is a love that no one can ever break. A love so strong it beats all the others. A love which is ours. we've done everything together and yes we may fall out fancy the same lad cut ourselves but in reality your the person thats kept me alive my sister died when i was 6 and she was my best friend and my sister i never trusted anyone else to be my bestfriend after that in case they hurt me and i trust you completley 100%. You hold me while i cry even when its over boys without me and you the world would be just a world with us in it its a strange world you always come first over anything any boys or anyone who thinks i love them more than us. I hate the fact you've fallen out but our love is stronger than others our love is unbreakable. If anyone ever tells you your worthless fat ugly too skiny a slut a slag anything other than what i am saying the smack them one you are the most loyaliest caring beautifuliest prettiest and the bestiest person ever. Your my sister. Thank you for being there and if you go i go i would just die from the pain of loosing you. I never knew what having a REAL sister felt like until you but now i do when you hurt them or they hurt you it hurts like bloody hell. Lyla Harris i am so honestly deeply sorry that i lie to you i just want to make up with you please forgive me i cant bear losing you the pain will literaly kill me xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

bye lyla

@lyla_lovemarcus lyla harris the most perfect beautiful amazing girl ever i love her so much mire than ive ever loved any boy if anyone tries to bring her down you should hate yourselves lyla is the kindest sweetest person ever. Yeah she can be a bit gobby and a lot cheeky but tats what makes her lyla harris. She's perfect any boy wants anything from has to go through me and thats hell. To Lyla Harris my best friend and sister on our own were just katie and lyla but together were kyla love you babes xxxxxxxx

she paints a pretty picture, but the picture has a twist, the paint brush is a blade and the canivase is her wrist, she paints a pretty picture but the picture has a twistshe paints the colour of blood red she paints a pretty picture and now she is dead. please stop selfharm and suicide

@lyla_lovemarcus that is so true we need to stop self-harm its a blood aweful thing xoxo

follows for follows.

can I have some ideas on what to write in a story