
I'm sorry but I never saved any of my writing. I just assumed that this was a safe place to write and nothing would happen to it, So I couldn't even republish if I wanted to. I love you guys so much and if you ever want book recommendations let me know!! I have a couple authors that I'm obsessed with, although they aren't on Wattpad.


@lynn_xoxo_  please bring your  story back i used to read your book when i lost my brother please i am begging you


I'm sorry but I never saved any of my writing. I just assumed that this was a safe place to write and nothing would happen to it, So I couldn't even republish if I wanted to. I love you guys so much and if you ever want book recommendations let me know!! I have a couple authors that I'm obsessed with, although they aren't on Wattpad.


@lynn_xoxo_  please bring your  story back i used to read your book when i lost my brother please i am begging you


I'm sorry but my story got deleted. So I won't be writing again. I really didn't think I was stealing your story so I'm sorry that you feel that way. I started writing it a while ago when I was struggling with some problems and didn't have many friends. I did not think it would get so popular, I really didn't even think someone would read it. I was going to end it soon anyways because I've moved on with my life. But Ive always enjoyed reading all your comments and that's why I kept coming back to write it every once in a while. xoxolynn


your book was wonderful and it had nothing to do with the one that this person is accusing u for “stolen” it. some people are childish and immature but dont let this get on you way, your writing is so wonderful and your book brought a lot of people joy and strength when they were down including me. you are a wonderful writer dont let this inhibit your life as a writer, of course i would love if brought the story back even if it was for purchase on kindle or anything cause im sure me and a lot of other people would buy it. we will aways love and support u lynn❤️


@lynn_xoxo_ your book helped me when I was struggling to, I also didn't have many friends and reading your book was my escape form everything.❤️


@lynn_xoxo_ please bring it back, it was my favourite book. I read it so many times. ❤️❤️


Please bring his angle back I’ll do anything!!!!! It was one of my favorites books I and would get so excited when you updated  it !!! I’ve read both books and they’re not the same !!! Please don’t let someone push you down!!!!