Hi everyone, today I have a bad new for everyone . From today onwards if I didn't upload anymore chapters more than 2 week without giving everyone information that mean that my phone and other technology of mine have been taking away from me by my family side today they are going to test my math , if I don't improve enough to their liking, they will take away my technology , so wish me luck this evening and thank you to all my follower , voter and supporters for support my story and I also want to say thank you to jie @ak1207 for been a good sister , friend and listener to me , if you read this jie I want to say that I really happy to have a sister also friend like you and wish you happy new year before head since I don't know if I could ever chat with you again . So this all I can say and a good bye for now or forever . I will always support Wangxian and Yizhan forever. ❤️