
It's good. Just got back for a creative writing workshop at the British Library with some of my new students.


oooh, cool. they are changing the school hours and actuall, it does not bother me all that much! ;) on wednesday period 7 (PERIOD 7!!!!!) we have enrichment. some people play fball, soem wach movies, and i am doing creative wroteng in the english dep. it is quite fun, but i also do it on friday as well for a less serious writing session, to do stuff like talk to you and reply to the thousands of messages i get from all of my beutifle, hot, sexy fans. . . at least, i hope they are. . .


hi miss, we are not doing tutor on wednesdays because we are doing enrichment instead, i chose creative writing, hows the new job?


we have two more weeks to go after this one (friday 4th of july 2014(if you see this at a later time))


I break up for summer on Friday, it's a hard life. How many weeks have you got left?


@Xaiowarrior that doesn't sound good. Have people dropped out? Napoleon is a great name for a pet! My pet tortoise is called Napoleon. Shame you can't keep the baby chick but it wouldn't be very good if a fox ate it. New school is good. I finish in Feb so let me know if you need a new librarian back at kingsdale ;-p the biggest news is there are no Alex's in the school!!!! 


wuh- wu- what? no Alexes! wu- what kind of sick school do you work at!?!?!?!?? wuh- wuh why?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Hi Miss, its me, Alex. It is friday (YAY!) 6th period (DOUBLE YAY!) 14:53 and it is writing group (YAY. . . kinda) Things have sort of gone down hill after you left and Miss Glasebrook took over. Benro and his freind have invited all their friends who just want to bunk tutor, Im running out of things to write and no one is noticing my beutiful books, and in DT, the sh*t has hit the fan. but Quinten is quite good now, and in science club, we have hached some chicks and are looking after them, and we can adopt them :D ( I cant adopt one coz my parents wnt allow it, we would have to pay for a chicken coop, and the foxes will eat them :'( but i own one untill 12:00 pm today, he is called Napoleon!) well, thats me all sorted out, how are you? made any new friends, have the other teachers been mean? do i need to have a small chat with them? 
          Yours Truly 


@Xaiowarrior I'm fine. New job is good, everyone has to sit in silence and I have to whisper all the time which is very strange. I think even if the desk did evolve it would be told to be quiet. How's creative writing club going?


after working at kingsdale library, I forgot that you had to be quiet in one XD


Hi Miss, It is Friday (YES!) the 16th of May 2014, and it is 11.59 and I am on duty in the lower school library, I have Just Finished my DT Homework and I hope it is satesfactory, because I have DT next :( I dont like DT :'(       I have found a cool new book on wattpad qnd it is called The Bro Code, it is a teen romance/humor, and, surprisingly, I quite like it! :) (dont judge me >:-[ ) Alex 7 has just walked in and has said hi, and I just said Hi back. Anyway, enough about me, how are you? do you like your new job? has the desk evolved to talk yet? 
          Yours Truly
          That kid you used to be really mean to . . . Alex :)