(i hope you read this whole thing. there's a big announcement)
I hate those words together. I hate that phrase. But like I've said, as a writer, it is near impossible to not have that as a sort of "rule" for lack of a better word. I am a good writer. I am. But I always rush because I want to put something out there, give you guys something to read. But I want it to be good, and it often isn't because I rush.
So. After a year of thinking about this plot and these characters, figuring put every aspect of this story, I am happy to say that I am finally taking action on this story I've had in my head for a literal year.
Ladies, gentlemen and others, I am proud to announce
My Mind, My Rules. This is going to take a very long time to write, as I want this to be good. Something you, the audience, is excited about. Something that makes you want more, that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I will (hopefully) be working with @JacobVanNiman because I'm kinda a sucky writer. I want these chapters and this story to be carefully thought out and well planned. I am working on this now and if you'd like to be a part of the writing process, go to my Instagram, @lyricalxmiracle
I am so proud to be writing this and can't wait for you to read it. Have a good day/night!