
Just wanted to make a quick post and thank all of you who came and checked up on me these past few months, it is greatly appreciated and means a lot to me. It’s been very hectic and mentally draining but I am getting into a better headspace and hope to keep writing for you guys!
          	Love you all ♡︎


Just wanted to make a quick post and thank all of you who came and checked up on me these past few months, it is greatly appreciated and means a lot to me. It’s been very hectic and mentally draining but I am getting into a better headspace and hope to keep writing for you guys!
          Love you all ♡︎


Girl are you okay? It's been a little while since you've posted anything I'm getting worried


@cmer_ash okay!! Take care and Merry Christmas  


Yes I’m good!! Thank you for checking up on me, there’s need to be worried love! I’m just extremely busy with work right now (I’m working more hours than my store manager and supervisor) and don’t have the time at the moment to write, but once the holidays are over I’ll have more time to write! xo


Hey my love is everything okay? you haven’t posted in a while i’m just checking up on you my love. 


Yes everything is good! Great actually! I’m just very very busy with work right now and don’t have much time for myself at the moment.. thank you love for checking up on me, I appreciate it so much!! <3


Hi my lovelies! So I’ve noticed the overwhelming amount of requests I’ve been getting on here recently, and I just wanted to say thank you and I am getting to them as fast as I can! 
          I will say though, requesting them on my tumblr, @inlovewithgreta, would ensure I get to them faster as the requests on here do get hidden due to the fact that there are so many and they’re all in different places.
          So definitely check my tumblr out as I am more active on there, and get to requests a whole lot faster..
          Thank you!! xoxo 


@lyssiesroses take your time darling, the wait is worth it ^⁠_⁠^