
Hey guys, I know I haven't been on lately
          	Lots of things are changing, at the moment and I really needed to get away, I apologize for not letting you know
          	Please PM me if you would still like to do our roleplay or maybe start a new one :)


Hey guys, I know I haven't been on lately
          Lots of things are changing, at the moment and I really needed to get away, I apologize for not letting you know
          Please PM me if you would still like to do our roleplay or maybe start a new one :)


So my RP book has been deleted lots of times and in results, I will be moving everything to Unnecessary Descriptions Of My Ocs and I am going to add more ocs and scenarios.
          If there is anything you think I need to add or remove from my books, please let me know ty :)


To the people I'm roleplaying with, this is another post about me needing a small break. I apologize, I really do but I need to take care of myself.
          I'll try my best to text back and if you lose interest in our rp, I'm sorry for that as well
          I'll be more active on my Instagram account @/cenrea343 so if you want, you can text me there
          See you soon, loves ❤


No need to be sorry. Take your time and take care of yourself. If you ever need to vent let me know and ill be happy to listen 


            Take your time! Sorry for my erratic responses, I'll be waiting for your return. 


Hey my dudes who I'm roleplaying with, I won't be replying because I'm going to be busy this weekend (I'll be able to text back on Tuesday)
          I am VERY sorry for being very busy on the weekend but it is also spring break and I would like to take a small break from Wattpad
          Thank you for understanding ❤


No need to be sorry. Its important to have me time and step away from the phone. Enjoy your spring break 


take your time love! my activity is also compromised. 