
I used to keep my full name on here but recently decided against it. On wattpad I've decided to go by a "pen name" which isn't entirely true because it's technically my first and middle name. If any one on here wishes to contact me pls dm or email me at danygirl2904@gmail.com 


I used to keep my full name on here but recently decided against it. On wattpad I've decided to go by a "pen name" which isn't entirely true because it's technically my first and middle name. If any one on here wishes to contact me pls dm or email me at danygirl2904@gmail.com 


What is my life? Uggghhhhhhhhhhh. But seriously, I'm so thankful for all my followers and I'm so happy my book hit 100k reads. Thanks so much! I'm just a fan girl trying to give us some different scenarios to think about with our favorite actor (littarly my idol) Dylan O'Brien. Seriously tho, he's mine. Back off


I write because I love it, I love having the pen in my hand, I love feeling the keys on my lap-top as I type. I love being in complete control of the story's I write. I love being able to pour my feelings into a story about completely different people and not giving a damn about what other people think. I write and read because it's my escape, I can read and feel like all my problems just fall away and not care. I can write and shut the world down as I take my time to tell the story I feel so desperately needs to be heard. I will continue to write and reed untill the day I die.