
I’m sorry guys, I’m trying really hard to be interactive. It’s just been a lot for me the past few days. I feel really lonley and lately I feel like I’ve been loosing the people close to me. You know the ones who always say they are there for you but then never really show it. I feel really frustrated and isolated which has been putting my mentality to a stop. But I’m gonna keep pushing and I’m gonna keep writing, just givin y’all a heads up to why the updates might be a little slow❤️


I’m sorry guys, I’m trying really hard to be interactive. It’s just been a lot for me the past few days. I feel really lonley and lately I feel like I’ve been loosing the people close to me. You know the ones who always say they are there for you but then never really show it. I feel really frustrated and isolated which has been putting my mentality to a stop. But I’m gonna keep pushing and I’m gonna keep writing, just givin y’all a heads up to why the updates might be a little slow❤️


Okay, for everyone reading the latest chapters of “I’ve got you <3” it is unfortunately not a dream. We are coming towards the end of the book. I can’t reveal to much, just know that this is NOT  how it ends. I love you guys for all the dedication and all the comments. Hopefully I won’t disappoint you! ❤️❤️


@m0remara if this isn't a dream i might actually die


Does anyone else just feel really unloved sometimes. Like you’re not anyone’s favorite? I feel like I give all of my energy, time and love just to get nothing back. It sucks, and it definitely brings me down and I feel like I look down at myself at times but it’s important to keep being positive, because nobody is truly unloved. We don’t know how much other people love us and we don’t know what other people do for us when we’re not there. I hope all of you guys are okay and that you aren’t battling with this feeling right now. If you are just keep pushing, no pain is forever and I can promise you that!❤️


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I’m so sad! I have to take a minute and talk about the disgusting unjustifiable actions made towards George Floyd and every other black person ever. I’m a white European, I can’t lie I have no idea what it feels like being so miss treated. I used to see America as this cool, bad ass country where everyone is free to look how they want and do what they want but the older I got, the more I realized we are surrounded by propaganda. America has never been as scary to me as it is right now. Police brutality, yes it exists everywhere but not like this, it’s in absolute injustice towards innocent people. White people like to say “all lives matter!” Which yes, all lives do matter, but all lives are not at risk! White lives have always mattered, we’re privileged, we are living the life other people don’t get to live. So if all lives matter, why do black lives not matter equally? Why do they not get the same privileges we do? What did they do wrong? As a girl I know what it feels like being afraid of men and what they’ll do to you and I know my girls feel the same when walking alone past a group of guys, you get this disgusting feeling of not being safe. Therefore I have a tiny insight of what it can feel like, but I can not imagine what it feels like having the authority against me for no reason at all. Race is not, has never been and will never be a valid reason to bully, mistreat, rape or murder someone! People with authority have this huge love for power, but at the end of the day when that badge and uniform is off, they’re people like everyone else, their title does not make them better than anyone. I’m so broken for the people that have to go through this. My beautiful black Kings and Queens don’t let that crown fall, stand high with you brothers and sisters, stay strong!! And to my fellow white people please stand with the black community, show them what safety feels like and put the blame where it’s due! Black Lives Matter!❤️☮️


Yall can go ahead and text me on Wattpad if you need someone to talk to. I’ll do my best at being social, but the time difference will make it a bit of a struggle since I live in Europe. But I will do my absolute best to be here for you guys. And obviously everything stays between us!❤️❤️


@m0remara can I private message you?


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Been feeling a little bit down lately. I just wanted you all to know that life isn’t always gonna go your way and it’s not always gonna be in your favor. But don’t be afraid just stay true to yourself and never lose who you are, ever! People love you, sometimes it might not feel that way, but people love you and appreciate you, no matter what mistakes you’ve made. No pain is forever, please keep that in mind, there’s so many times I’ve doubted if I’m ever gonna recover or ever become happy again, but sadness comes and goes, we have to accept it and move forward from it. We’re human and we have to remember that we’re not perfect, we all go through shit and that’s some of the stuff I’m still learning. If you guys need someone to talk to I’m right here. I will try to be as social as possible and keep posting new chapters. Thank you for the support, much love ❤️


@m0remara im in the need of a friend.... Got time?


@PRETTYMUCH_SHINING I’m happy it did❤️❤️❤️


Y’all every time I post a new chapterI just can’t wait to see the response. You guys make me so happy with your comments and it makes my day knowing you guys like what I write. I hope you know how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate all the nice things you say. Much love❤️


I hate to keep y’all waiting but I have to make sure the chapters are as good as I can make them. I want y’all to be satisfied with what you read and I love to keep y’all waiting for more. Thank you for being so supportive!!❤️