
Since I'm kinda burnt out from work, I figured I'd let y'all know when new parts of The Tales of Hestia are coming out (haha they're scheduled, actually)
          	I've actually released a couple of parts this way, check them out!


I have no idea WHY Wattpad thought it was a good idea to nuke forums. Like, thanks for making exposure a lot harder for all of us except a lucky few ig
          because I really don't wanna have to resort back to writing Sonadow stories, the Sonic fandom can be absolutely *feral* and it also doesn't help that I'm no longer in the fandom as a whole /srs


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Looking back at some of my old messages from 2018 when I started this account...
          why the fuck did I not get tested for ADHD sooner? I could have known that I was ADHD when I was 15 instead of knowing it at almost 20, for fuck's sake--