This is just something I did for school but, I wanted to share it but it obviously wouldn't make a long story. I know it isn't all that good and there isn't really a point in sharing it and, please, if you have any ideas or criticism or anything then please do tell me. It also doesn't really have a name as it was just a task but, if we do anything more on it in school I will update!
The house stood, alone. The street it was stood on was cramped and squashed with houses of all sizes but this one was unrelated and entirely different to the rest.
The watcher found this interesting. He leaned forward on the fragile, plastic chair he was standing on, eager to get a closer look, but the chair momentarily rocked backwards, as if to warn him that he shouldn’t get too close. He loosened the tense grip on his binoculars, causing them to drop and swing around his neck, as he clutched on to the wooden fence in front of him. Once he was sure the chair was stable again, he picked up the binoculars and placed the cold, metal rims around his eyes. The black border, marking the edge of the binoculars, slightly obscured his vision, but it was clear the house was now, once again, deserted.
The sun, slowly setting, cast an eerie glow upon the house, bathing it in oranges and pinks until, at last, the final reminder of daylight had gone and was replaced with the charcoal black sky.