Camila: Morning babes
Lauren: Morning camz
Dinah: Wassup walz
Normani: Hi mila
Ally: Good morning everyone!
Camila: I have a question...?
Dinah: Yeah...?
Lauren: I'm the smartest duhh, i have all the answers...
Camila: Okay, so what did one ocean say to other ocean ?
Normani: WTH
Dinah: Lauser u said you're the smartest so give us the answer..
Lauren: Wut ? I don't know..
Camila: He said nothing he just wave!
Ally: Cause of death: Mila's jokes.
Dinah: Walz why ? Just why ?
Camila: Do u sea what i did there ?
Normani: ...?
Camila: Srsly.. do u ?
Normani: Yes.
Camila: R u Shore ?
Dinah: Bye.
Camila: No need to be a beach.
Lauren: Camz, stop I'm laughing so hard !!
Camila: Water u saying?
Ally: Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao one more joke and you're out of the group.
Camila: Shell i stop then ?
Normani: That's it I'm done.
*Normani left the group chat*
Camila: So i guess ill go krill myself now ?
Camila: I just tide.
*Ally left the group chat*
Camila: NOOOO, I fish u would come back </3
Camila: I promise I won't sand any more messages.
Camila: Or at least my responses won't be as pacific.
Camila: Whale, I guess nobody's gonna answer :(
*Lauren left the group chat*
*dinah left the group chat*
Camila: You're so rude to me :( I hate u all.