
4:41 PM | i am sure i still have some sasusaku followers (love you all very much) so, just to let you know, i published a new story called ‘hello, neighbor!’ and it’d mean the world to me if you could all check it out! <3 


@macdemqrco I'll check it out!


12:14 PM | i am probably getting annoying by continually saying i’m sorry for not updating. and i am. i’m sorry. quarantine has been a little stressful. i’ve cried, danced, yelled, laughed, slept eleven hours, worked. i will try to update soon - just please bare with me :’) 
          hope you are staying safe & washing your hands! stream norman fvcking rockwell to clear your skin! much love xx 


1:15 AM | hi again! someone wrote on my message board that they weren’t able to see what i posted, so! if you didn’t, here it is again! BABY DOLL, bucky barnes x fem!reader will be coming soon! a project i am excited about! it will consist of imagines, short series, and other things! i hope the people who follow me that do like bucky will enjoy it :’) 
          thank you! have a nice day/night! <3 xoxo 


8:23 PM | IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, MAYBE? ‘baby doll’ bucky barnes x fem!reader will be coming soon! this will consist of imagines (long and short) series, any requests you may have, maybe even more! bucky fans i may have, get ready for the first imagine i will be posting soon! thanks :’) xoxo


7:57 PM | i know i say this a lot - and never do anything about it - but i am deeply sorry for not updating in what feels like forever. i am having a huge (i mean ... humongous) writers block and feel sad about not being able to write anything that is good. i am TRYING to start the second part to ‘back to you’ but it seems that i can’t do even that. i feel like pouring my heart out but don’t want to bore the 97 people (who probably don’t read this, which is totally ok) that follow me to death. also, i am currently at work and it’s a pain in the arse, but! you gotta pay the bills, right? anyways, though! i’ll try to write at least a short somethin’ and post it. and! for those bucky fans that follow me, you know who you are ;’), i got something coming up! one-shots or an actual book, i don’t know yet. thanks for reading, if you did, and hope you’re all having a wonderful day or night! thanks <3 
          much love, from me! xoxo 


1:31 PM | hi! sorry for not updating in a long while :’( anyways, though! do i have any bucky barnes fans here? just curious!! much love, from me xoxo


@iamakindofwriter right!! he is the cutest <3


@macdemqrco i'm literally married to him. soft boi :')