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" sHUT UP — "
          	iNHAAALLEEEE .
          	" .. I'm going to kill the next fUCKING PERSON I SEE I SWEAR TO GOD — "


          	  " i .. can't even — ??? "


          	  “ HM ? Go ON , kill ME . “ 


┊; CRUMPLES!!!1!1 Sel I’m so rusty bro I’m sorry if this sucks. ☠️
              It’s become a regular routine for the dream demon to encroach inside the scientists house .. What makes you think he’d ask ‘ nicely ‘ in the first place before invading Cassidy’s personal space ? Well , he’s simply / not / going to .. Besides , what’s the point of a simple greeting ? Scaring the literal hell out of his partner was much better .. It just got a kick out of him to see Cassidy cower down in fear — On certain circumstances . 
              Currently , the dream demon was floating around the small room .. And it seemed like he wanted to destroy anything he got his hands on — Not that he could necessarily help it ? Hell , it wasn’t his fault that these humanly - trinkets fascinated him . Sure , he knows everything , he’s seen everything and was probably one of the most smart and intelligent beings in the multiverse .. But he had no common sense when he wanted to . In shorter terms , he was too smart for his own good ; Hell , too strong and powerful , even .. Since he broke everything he could get his fingers on . 
              “ HAVE a NICE nap , YEAH ? “ Bill questioned over to the being lying in the bed that had just woken up , his three - sided , floating form remaining over the table .. If Cassidy could really notice , Bill had made an absolute mess of the room , and it was probably a wonder how the absolute hell Cassidy slept through the whole massacre that happened . The dream demon glanced down at his hand , watching as it melted and writhed away from the green goop upon it — Which was probably from a chemical reaction . He had just accidentally shattered a test tube with his hand , leaving the leftovers of the substance on his figure — He would probably end up turning into a puddle on the floor in the next few seconds . 


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            // HEHE DONT WORRY ABOUT IT…. (I’m rusty asf as well.)
            Oh , yeah , he had a nice nap alright . Previously before Bill had decided to break in — normally — Cassidy found himself in a peaceful trance after a day of collecting materials . From what he could remember , he walked around an old town . The town was quiet and the environment was mellow , just enough for him to take in his surroundings . It was nice to him — unlike what he was greeted with once he had awoken from his slumber . Oh , what the fuck happened here ?
            It took him a moment to fathom exactly what had happened while he was asleep , which sparked him with alarm once he grasped the situation . Ohhhh shit . With the energy he had gathered , he sprang up once he saw the mess fully .
            " What the FUCK ?! " His voice glitched out at the end of his sentence alongside his eye shifting itself into a hue of a peachy orange — confusion and the lingering feeling of annoyance and anger . He was aware who did this , yes . He knew what Bill liked to do when by his house — and he was one of the only individuals to know WHERE it was located , as the others wouldn't dare destroy his stuff like this — and so he had to clean it up yet again . It wasn't like he wasn't used to it , though . So that's what he did , he cleaned it up swiftly albeit in a panic .
            Of course when he was done , he let out a huff and shot a glare right at the dream demon . Damn him for causing this mess in the first place . 
            " … Yeah . I did have a nice nap , thanks . " The scientist responded with a mild edge to his tone , eyebrows furrowing at Bill . Setting the final beaker that hadn't broken aside , he made his way over to the other .
            " .. You're not hurt , are you ? " He knows Bill would probably be fine either way if he was hurt , but he couldn't help but ask . It was reasonable of him to worry for his partner .


          Usually physical affection was off the charts for the overlord . He never enjoyed it . The whole moment depended on his mood however , either him being half out of his sanity , or desperately wanting to feel something other than .. That never ending feeling of irritation and grief . Something he couldn’t stop . The guilt . So when it came to touching ? Consider getting your hand slapped away . And besides , he never really knew how to react in the moment .. Most of the time , anyway . But guess what ? He wanted affection right now . He wanted to be touched . So there he waits .. Waiting for that one person to walk by . 
          The triangular - headed overlord remained sitting on his throne , one of his gloved fingers tapping against the hard metal . He missed when his throne was made of people . Much more comfortable , he must say . Now ? It was just a metallic substance . Whatever . His eye was half - lidded , a look of annoyance on his face . Damn , what’s got him all worked up ? In short terms , what NEVER has him not pissed off ? It was evident he wasn’t in a good mood either , considering the cracks on his head would let out a few puffs of steam every now and then . 
          Then he saw him . 
          His ‘ favorite ‘ person . 
          “ AND where DO YOU think YOU’RE going ? “ The dream demon spat , leaning back in his throne , reaching his hand out and inching his finger , signaling for the other to come over . You really think he wouldn’t notice you trying to speed by , Cassidy ? Good effort , buddy .. But you failed . 
          “ NICE try , NERD . Get OVER here . “ 


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            // DEFLATES THE WHEELS!!!!
            " I never realized how large the pile got .. " He murmured to himself , holding the scraps of metal that almost towered over his head . He had to be careful but luckily , everything seemed empty . It wouldn't mean he wouldn't stop being aware of his environment .
            The scientist saw himself walking around — practically wadding with the vast amount of metal he was carrying — The Fearamid , at least towards the exit so he could transport it back to his cabin . He figured he'd start transporting either way so he wouldn't have to do it later .
            Hearing the overlord's voice call out to him was enough to rattle him out of surprise , causing him to drop the jumble of metal onto the ground . Cassidy stared at the pile before grumbling and turning his direction to face the other . Knowing the dream demon — he wouldn't give up shit if he were to say that he were busy , plus , he could always do it later .. though he preferred not to .
            With a sigh , Cassidy dropped the remaining items onto the ground to pick up later before he made his way over to the dream demon's throne . Huh . What could he possibly want ? Making his way up the steps , he stood right in front of the other , looking at him with a raised eyebrow out of slight curiosity .
            " Do you need somethin' or .. ? " He started off , his question trailing off as he shoved his hands into his pockets , waiting for an answer . He didn't take note of the current state the other was in just yet , oh well ! He'd be bound to notice soon anyway .


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" sHUT UP — "
          iNHAAALLEEEE .
          " .. I'm going to kill the next fUCKING PERSON I SEE I SWEAR TO GOD — "


            " i .. can't even — ??? "


            “ HM ? Go ON , kill ME . “ 


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┊; :COUGH:
          All the overlord knew right now is that the scientist was pissed at him . VERY pissed . But I would be as well if a damned dream demon knocked over a whole table of test tubes and shattered them , eh ? So yes , Bill was being his nuisance and asshole of a self like usual , and grabbed Cassidy earlier , EVEN when the other told him not to . But did Bill listen ? No , of course not . So that led to Bill being flung off and slammed into the table .. Annnnd there went all the test tubes . Haha , funny . 
          “ YOU can’t STAY MAD at ME foreverrrr .. ~ “ The dream demon purred , stuck like glue to Cassidy’s back , his arms wrapped around the scientist along with his legs . He watched as the other continued cleaning up the mess that Bill , had made , himself . Honestly , Bill could just reverse time and boom , the test tubes would be back to the way they were before . Unharmed . But eh , Bill was too lazy to even make an attempt at that right now . Too bad so sad , I guess . 
          His expression slightly went blank once he noticed Cassidy was paying no mind to him . Probably because he was angry , but whatever . He’d still get the scientist to take note of him .. Even if he was pissed off at the moment —  
          “ AWWW , so you’re GOING to BE a CRYBABY and PRETEND I don’t EXIST ? “ The dream demon questioned , letting out a hum as he continued kissing and placing light pecks on the scientists cheek . Damn , he was still clinged onto him . Good luck prying him off you , Cassidy . 


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            // uncoughs!
            Cassidy being ' very pissed ' is an understatement honestly , he was fucking past livid especially with the attitude the dream demon held up , though knowing it was a already a trait of his to be so goddamned annoying .
            The only reason why he was angrier than he would be was because that uh — that table withheld some .. special vials and liquids . Weeks to years it took , somewhat . To restore them it would probably take equally as long and good lord the thought had pissed him off too much to the point that it was seriously the only thing he could think and complain about internally . Other than the fact to completely drown out the other , then yeah . That's all he could have thought of .
            Until he couldn't — because it didn't look like the overlord would stop giving him physical affection at the moment . 
            Simply , Cassidy grumbled in response and swept up the final remnants of glass . Luckily he had already cleaned up the liquid parts and the main glass parts , but now he was fully done cleaning . But that didn't mean he was fully done being absolutely livid at Bill . Nope .
            " Fuck off . " He growled , the already vibrant reddish - orange hue in his eye seeming to deepen in color as his voice seemed to grow grainy and staticky once again . He swatted at the other with a twitch of an eye before placing his head into his hands , letting out a groan of distress for a moment or so before falling silent , the pixels and glitches around his very being seemed to grow only slightly . He .. should cool off at one point soon , hopefully . 


┊; Bill and Cassidy be like: :kissing_emoji: /J /J May be a little angsty too so take it as you will. 
          Today had honestly been awful . And when I mean awful ? I mean awful . Awful for Bill , at least . I don’t think he’d really want to discuss what had happened , so he won’t for his own sake . Besides , he wouldn’t appreciate it if Cassidy were to bombard and harrass him with questions . Nope , wouldn’t be appreciated at all . 
          As of right now , the dream demon was rested in the scientists lap . He was in his triangle form , which was obviously a small form , so it’s not like he’d be able to hold Cassidy . He didn’t feel like switching sizes either , so for now ? He’d stay like this . Besides , he always enjoyed being held by the other . It made him feel fuzzy , warm , and even calm . No matter how angry he presumed to be , he could always calm down just at the smallest touch from the scientist . 
          Bill’s smaller hand held onto the scientists larger hand loosely , faced away from him and staring right into the flame in the fireplace . He had a small amount of pink painted across his shattered and cracked ‘ face ‘ , but it’s not like Cassidy would be able to notice . He was faced away from him , after all . Well , he’d probably be able to notice the small puffs of steam that left his shatters every now and then . Whatever . 
          “ I’LL admit IT to YA , DWEEB .. “ Bill spoke , his voice somewhat quiet as he shuffled his triangular body back a little more , until he was pressed right against the other’s chest . “ THIS is NICE . Not SURE how you CONVINCED me INTO IT , tho . “ He hummed , his eye lowering slightly , now half - lidded . 


            One day . One day he was bound to found out . That's always how it was for everyone and everything . Nothing can be kept hidden forever . Of course until then — Cassidy would continue to stay oblivious to whatever Bill was hiding . I'll guarantee though that Cassidy will surely NOT be thrilled whatsoever to see Bill disappear or see his organs splattered around his office .
            The gentle kiss surely caught the scientist off guard , though he didn't mind it . Not one bit . Of course , he willingly kissed back until Bill had pulled away . Awwh . Once the other buried himself back into his chest , Cassidy saw himself wrapping his arms around the dream demon once again , gently squeezing him into a hug . Holy Axolotl , how these moments between the two never ceased to make the scientist blush an equal shade of red .
            " I love you too . . " He responded to Bill as he sighed contentedly , affectionately nuzzling at the dream demon's side . Hearing the bricks that made up Bill's form quietly shake and clink together made him lightly chuckle as he continued to hold the other close .
            Though Cassidy wasn't going to force Bill to talk about what had been bothering him , He sure as hell was genuinely concerned for the one he so dearly cared for . Why wouldn't he is the question . But oh well . Unless The dream demon was willing to say something about it , then Cassidy would continue to remain silently concerned , even if Bill knew he was . It didn't mean that his concern for the other would stop .


            Hm , I guess it was pretty easy for the scientist to notice Bill had a shitty day . At this point , they had known each other long enough it was figured that Cassidy could probably read Bill like a book . Considering how close they were at least , of course . He was tired . Very tired . Tired of everything in general . Tired of constantly running from his death and tired of keeping it hidden . Nobody knew except he and one of his Henchmaniacs . I guess you could count the people at his trial all those years ago to know as well , but he didn’t care about them . And they didn’t care about him . Win win scenario . 
            With a small sigh , the dream demon turned himself around to face the scientist , looking up at him with that tired eye of his . He reached his arms up , cradling Cassidy’s face into his small hands and pulling him down , locking himself into a gentle and yet passionate kiss with the other . He pulled away eventually and let the scientist go , grumbling quietly under his breath as he buried himself back into Cassidy’s chest . 
            “ I love YOU .. SO , so MUCH .. “ Bill spoke , his ‘ face ‘ burning hot with blush as his speech was slightly muffled . The bricks holding his very form together trembled lightly , seeming as if he were going to break any moment now . In a good way , of course . 
            Unfortunately , Bill didn’t think he could keep what happened to him for 20 years hidden much longer . Not from Cassidy , at least .. And he’s sure the scientist wouldn’t appreciate it if Bill just so happened to disappear again one day .. Or walk into the dream demon’s office and be met with a bloody mess , his organs splattered all over the walls and his dead body on the floor . 
            But for now ? 
            He’d keep it hidden . And would continue to do so until he couldn’t anymore . 


            // gayer than pride month itself….. also bet hehe
            Cassidy simply hummed in response , only slightly opening his eyes that had been shut . " It's easy to convince you when it comes to physical affection . " He reasoned , feeling a blush dust across his face as the other's triangular body pressed against him . Though Bill hadn't gone in depth with how his day was , Cassidy seemed to pick it up just fine that he didn't have a good day by the other's physical expressions , and that he just wanted to leave it at that rather than explain everything ; which was perfectly fine with the scientist . Simple solution to a bad day ? Physical affection . Maybe . It seemed to work though .
            The scientist hummed as he let go of the other's hands briefly , now wrapping his arms gently around Bill , his hands easily finding way to interlock with the other's again . " I'm glad you think it's nice though . " The scientist murmured , closing his eyes once more . He then started to gently rock the two of them back and forth , minimally though but enough to indirectly reassure the other of his worries as he quietly hummed another tune . He couldn't help it . 
            While we're at it , I'll summarize Cassidy's day . Surprisingly enough he had a good day . Finishing yet another experiment — a successful one . You know what that meant ? Leisure time . And then there was spending time with the dream demon , his free time to be exact . So in general , his day was good . Hence a reason why he felt extra fluffy inside today , especially around the dream demon . Not that he wasn't ever fluffy around him — he was just more affectionate than he would usually be . 


┊; Only the gayest of gays!!1! /hj 
          Hm , that’s weird .. How did a mortal get in contact with the journals ? Whatever , not that he really cared . He’ll just snatch it from him later and destroy it . Something he’s been wanting to do for awhile . He wasn’t going to question how .. This individual , seemed to get one of them . Hell , why should he ? Damned mortals seemed to be getting smarter each day , and even Gideon had managed to snatch a journal . Alrighty then . 
          With the scenery around the two shading into a monochromatic gray , the candles lit around the summoning ring had been blown out , the wicks now smoldering as the triangle speedily floated around the male . The bottom of his eye curled upwards , almost like he was matching it with the smile upon his ‘ face ‘ you couldn’t even see . 
          “ WOW , you LOOK like YOU LACK so much BRAIN MATTER that YOU’D float on WATER ! “ The dream demon cackled , placing his little hands on his ‘ hips ‘ , as he soon came to a halt in front of the scientist . His cane soon appeared out of thin air , as he grasped it and leaned his angular self against it . “ I’M rather JEALOUS of how DUMB you LOOK ! “
          Wow , not even 30 seconds of him being summoned , and he’s already insulting this guy . Not a shocker . 


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            Oh what the hell ? His mouth was gone ? Cassidy's eyes widened as he traced over where his mouth had been before glaring up at the triangle . Seriously ? Well , he couldn't blame the other , but he also couldn't help but feel bitter about it . Without another word — because he seriously cannot talk — the scientist grabbed out his journal and pulled out a piece of paper , seeming to scribble down something . When he had finally lifted the pen from the sheet , he turned the paper towards him .
            ' You look like you smoked crack or some shit . Are you good ? '
            Of course , the words jotted down heavily contradicted what the scientist had really been feeling or asking . He personally did not care , and it doesn't seem like he would really care anytime soon . That's probably not good .
            Quickly , he turned the paper once again and jotted something down once again before turning it back . What the hell did he write down this time ?
            ' I'll be honest , I didn't read anything the page said . I just summoned you for fun . Exactly what's your purpose to exist ? ' The paper read . His expression hadn't faltered , nor changed . He was curious though . 
            But he was nowhere near finding Bill — that's what the journal introduced him as — intimidating . Maybe he would . But he won't believe it till' he sees it .


            A horrible decision to to deal with the supernatural ? No , no . A horrible decision to summon this creature in the first place . You could have at least picked something else out in the journal , Cassidy .. But whatever . Guess Bill’s page really was a sight for sore eye .. Or he just was in general . Eh , who knows . The author does , and he’d tell you that summoning this thing is probably the worst decision imaginable .. If you want to have a slow , torturous and gruesome death , that is . 
            The floating triangle seemed to fall silent for a moment , blinking his eye for the slightest second . In the whirr of a motion , he had snapped his fingers and the scientists mouth had .. Completely disappeared ? — Not a trace of it .. Oh , what the hell ? Now , he let out a sigh of relief , humming a small tune as he moved himself closer to the scientist , directly in front of his face . 
            “ THIS is doing my ‘ EARS ‘ a FAVOR ! “ Bill snorted , scooting back once more as he closed his eye , resting his arms behind his ‘ head ‘ and throwing one of his noodle - like legs over the other . He floated around a bit , but the moment he passed by Cassidy , he bashed his cane on the top of his head as hard as he could . I .. Ouch ? 
            “ JUST let me KNOW when you DECIDE TO actually WANT TO SAY something WORTH listening to , THEN I’ll give your MOUTH back . “ He spoke , opening his eye , it shooting wide open as he looked at the one across from him . His eye , now held a dark hue of red , his voice falling into a deep and demonic tone . “ M̶̱̤͝A̷̤͕͊̈́Y̶̠̟̐B̷͔͆E̴̩͝ .. ~ “ 
            Doesn’t look intriguing enough for you , Cassidy ? Trust me , you haven’t seen nothing yet .. 
            Nothing yet . 


            // WE BARE BEARS. :RAAAHHH:
            How exactly did the scientist get a hold of the journal ? Well , in summary , he found it on the lush ground of the forest . Not that interesting , is it ? Nah . He originally planned to just put it back where he had found it or burn it , but a part of him felt oddly attached to it and so he brought it back with him .
            And how exactly did he summon the dream demon ? Simple as well . Sheer boredom , and a test . He had flipped through the pages quickly and landed on the summoning page — which he found to be fake at first — and figured out ' why not ? '
            Terrible decision when dealing with the supernatural .
            Now , the scientist raised an eyebrow as he stared at the being with confusion and slight intrigue . Huh , so it worked ? Nice . But kind of annoying that it seemed to have no manners . Ah well , guess two can play that game .
            " Yeah , that's cool . Keep talking and I may just lose my remaining braincells . " He retorted , leaning against a tree . " I'm surprised that's all you look like , I kind of expected something a bit more intriguing but oh well . "






            “ WELP , bye now LMAO . “
            MF DROPS HIM . ☠️




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Haha , of course . Do this , do that . Do what he tells you to do and then go back to doing research for him . Of course , the lawyer didn’t mind much . Not like he had anything else to live for . It was all destroyed . Why he was working for the one who destroyed it all ? Don’t ask , it’s not anyone’s business . He was .. Forced . But that’s a story for another time . Besides , he did some what enjoy Bill’s company , but guessed he really shouldn’t be mentioning it . 
          The rhombus was currently in the dream demon’s office , rummaging a searching through multiple drawers , a few curses leaving his mouth as he pinched his eyelid in frustration . Fucking Axolotl , he was exhausted . Drained . Tired . But nope , he couldn’t sleep , he wasn’t aloud to , haha ! He hasn’t slept in 5 days straight , and that was because he was gathering information for Bill , writing down the important and needed information about this damned creature and saving the rest for later . 
          Out of his train of thoughts , he heard the door lightly cracking open . And , continuing to float above the ground , the rhombus turned to look in that direction . Hm , that wasn’t Bill .. Oh , that’s — Okay . Kryptos had seen .. What’s his name , ‘ Cassidy ‘ ? Several times before in the Fearamid , but didn’t even care about him in the slightest to say hello . He was too busy with his own things anyway . 
          “ If you’re looking for Bill , he’s not here . He’s in the mortal realm . “ The lawyer spoke , his voice flat and having a small hint of frustration tied to it . Not at Cassidy directly , no , but the fact he had barged in . 


            Relax , Cassidy . He’s not leaving you forever , haha . He just went down there to see an .. ‘ Old friend ‘ of his . Mhm , totally a friend . However , he should be back later on . Probably in the next few hours . But don’t be surprised if he returns covered in blood . 
            “ Who’s askin’ ? “ The lawyer questioned , an obvious amount of sarcasm hinted in his voice . Yeesh — Tough one , I’d say . Kryptos was always like this tho , so don’t worry .. There’s no such thing as ‘ nice ‘ in his vocabulary . 
            Closing the file drawers , he pulled out a rack of keys , ones Bill specifically gave him . Now , he began locking all the doors to the drawers , rechecking them once they were tightly shut to make sure nobody could get into them . Had some pretty important information in there , I’ll assume .. 
            “ Hm , I do just so happen to know you , “ The rhombus spoke , tucking a few of the files under his noodle - shaped arm , floating away from the large wall of drawers , but still remained a good distance away from the other individual . “ Since , you just so happen to be the only one Bill talks about . “ I — Oh ? Heh . 


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            It was no surprise that Bill had been off to the mortal realm , but seriously right now ? Out of any of the other times he could have gone he just had to be gone right now . Eh — nothing that bad though . He probably had something to do that was way more important . He could wait . Exactly what the hell was Cassidy doing ? Haha , that's classified . But keep it at ' possible poison . '
            Good grief he looked like he had just come out of the seventh layer of hell . Hair fluff messy , the lenses on his goggles seemed to be broken , and don't get me started on what the fuck was on his lab coat . That stuff was . . yucky , least to say .
            Lifting his goggles from his eyes , Cassidy narrowed his eyes at the rhombus . " . . Ah . " was all he could say . He could see that the rhombus had been rummaging through the files — anyone could see that if they walked in — though he couldn't help but feel his curiosity growing . Don't get too curious Cassidy , it's probably nothing you should know of . 
            " . . Hey , you're Kryptos — right ? " He asked just for affirmation . He had seen the rhombus around as well , though maybe not as much as Kryptos had seen him . A part of himself felt as if he should have said hello at some point , but now this is probably a good time to properly introduce yourself . " Uh — I'm Cassidy , though you probably knew but I still felt like it's best to introduce myself formally . " He said , taking off his gloves and storing them into his pockets . 