
There is an important notice to any of my books on my Editors page. Please read it.


As Mac's editor, I would like to sadly inform all of those who read her books that she passed away on May 12, 2017. It has affected not only me but many of her friends and family. It took a lot of courage for me to get back online, and it's only about a month later, and post about it. My account is not used often but is open for questions when I am here.


I'm one of those people who gets obsessed with finding every single Easter egg in any show I watch. So, I was on the hunt in the latest episode of teen wolf. I paused it because I had to do my business and when I come back, I start the scene over. It was 5x03, the scene where Liam and Mason are asking Brett about Tracy. They went to Devonford Prep, or so I assumed, to ask him. But then out of smack no where, the school is labeled: "Beacon Hills High School". Now I'm confused as fudge pancakes trying to figure out why that is.
          Did anyone else notice this?


CORRECTION: After re-watching the scene, the sign says "Beacon Hills High School Lacrosse". I'm even more suspicious and confused.


Might finish White Roses today. It became something of which if you don't understand, I can't explain it. I was writing Chapter Seven and just found closure. It's not supposed to make sense, you have to make it make sense to yourself.