
So I know the UK has been in lockdown for a while and it’s stupid that I’ve only now just decided to write but I’m starting a teen wolf fanfic. I’m going to write a few chapters in my drafts before uploading it. I’ll probably update it once a month or every two months as my life is going to get quite busy soon with moving houses and going to college. 


This account has been screwing up and I am unable to access it so I made a new account. This account was three years old and I'm really upset because I had quite a few works on there that had almost been finished but were left unpublished and I've lost them. But maybe this was a sign that I needed to start fresh. So that's what I'm going to do. This is my new account and I have a work in progress which will hopefully be published at some point next year. Thank you.


So I know the UK has been in lockdown for a while and it’s stupid that I’ve only now just decided to write but I’m starting a teen wolf fanfic. I’m going to write a few chapters in my drafts before uploading it. I’ll probably update it once a month or every two months as my life is going to get quite busy soon with moving houses and going to college. 


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Hey sorry it's been forever since I've updated I've just had a lot of shit on recently and i was in hospital not that long ago for an operation and im sorry but today is my last day off before school so I'm going to try my hardest to write a chapter for you guys 


I AM SO PISSED OFF! Basically I had written FIVE CHAPTERS to post and I had gotten really far when my mothers computer decided to crash and delete the entire word document so I have lost it all. So you'll have to wait a while for me to re-write it all. I apologise.