
Me writing two chapters and posting them in the same week? Yes I am procrastinating my college work thank yew very much c: 


I am in the middle of a rebrand, which means I'm going to be vetting my stories. And by that I am keeping only one, The Raven Goddess, but other than that, I'm getting cringed at trying to rewrite my work. But The Raven Goddess will go over a much needed make over. 
          I will have new stories from new fandoms out as well. Despite me enjoying fanfiction, I want to be proud of my work and my earlier stuff I don't feel proud of it. The writing was sloppy and even my nickname reminded me so much of middle school and high school that I couldn't take it no more. 
          I hope that I can still aim to give you all good and quality work that you can escape into like I tend to escape to when I write it.