
I’m alive I promise. Just busy and also I’ve been stuck on the next chap for monthsss


My writing is in a really really awkward growth phase. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m fairly certain I’m improving. Pretty sure it’s because I quit my job; I’ve been reading more for the past several months too! What better way to explore this than to continue writing Crimson Thread. I just made it sound like I was planning on dropping it, but nah. It’s really important to me because it’s how I get to experiment where the stakes are extremely low. So please expect the next chapter soon. Finally! 
          I have to confess that I’ve been dilly dallying a bit. This is where the fic will diverge fairly significantly from canon. I’ve strapped in and planned enough to ease some of my worries, though. So. Look forward to that! 


idk why i still need to say this, but nothing romantic will ever happen between Kohana and Sasuke  they share a very deep, very precious friendship, but 1) Kohana practically thinks of him as family despite not knowing what having a family is like in the first place and 2) Sasuke is gay. We’re not talking abt Sasuke’s loveless chemistry-less marriage in the main series’ ending or in b*ruto btw. I’m talking abt Sasuke constantly regarding Naruto as his one and only etc etc his soul bond etc etc. (no matter how much I rewatch/reread Naruto it will remain one of the gayest media I’ve ever consumed to date and I plan to do right by that) 
          Ok? Ok. Just so no one is surprised/disappointed that nothing ever happens between them.  love and peace.
          It’s just bc I’m noticing new readers adding this to their sasuke/oc reading lists. It’s a bit funny but also I want to apologize in advance.
          I’ve already tried the Kohana x Sasuke route btw, back when this was still Crimson Thread. It wasn’t working and it wasn’t going to work. It was so ooc for BOTH of them tbqh.


I’m not going into the specifics about why it’s not going to work (and why smth romantic between them would in fact be harmful) bc that’s going to take some time to explore. I promise you’ll end up agreeing with me lmao


During these trying times... y'all better not ship Kohana with Kakashi. I will be blocking you on sight! I will not watch y'all turn Kakashi into a predator NOR will I let you all subject Kohana to that!! Even if you're doing it mentally bc I will kill you!!


Honestly at this point I might just make a poll and ask you guys whom Kohana should end up with. I may or may not make an endgame couple but I'd still like to check in jic I need to write some scenes


            if Haku's still alive, maybe Haku (i've just started so ahbsahbsh), bc honestly speaking, Kohana really seems to have some chemistry with Haku, moreso than anyone else. So :D


@madaratiddy kakashi sensei mhahahahahaa jkjk 
            Idk haven't think about it yet maybe later 


Haku? Kiru kid? 


Glad some ppl agree that Naruto and Sasuke were never really friends. Naruto was just straight up obsessed boy should've left Sasuke tf alone and gotten therapy. Also, TRM aside who wants to talk abt how Sasuke was hunted down and strong-armed into returning to Konoha say I! He does not belong there leave him alooooooneeeee


@Morgan_itachi I’m always down to talk abt this lmao but literallyyyyy let him be his own man!! If it were me too I’d straight up kill them 


@madaratiddy I know this is late but I honestly agree if I was sasuke and left on my OWN free will and people kept chasing and trying to bring me back would it piss me off to 


Holy... I hate Jiraiya so much it's unreal. Literally no matter how many times I rewatch/reread I still think he has zero redeeming qualities. Negative, if possible. I feel like only edgy misogynists genuinely like him. Other times I'm pretty sure ppl only like him because of how blatantly and honestly Naruto perceives him as family.