
Hey guys, so I officially put The Unexpected Change on hold I'm sorry for those of you that were reading it, I have writers block on that one, I had the whole story planned out but then something happened and I lost everything so give me time to plan it all out again and I'll be up and writing again, again I say I'm sorry to those of you that were reading it. Okay I'm done with my apology now I would like to say that I need more characters of The Dream That Saved Me, so PM me and let me know if you want to be in it I need like 6 people. Also, I'm writing another story its a FanFic, I want one characters for that one to so again PM me or comment on here, I'll need:
          	Your name:
          	Characters name:
          	What you/character looks like:
          	Favorite Color:
          	Favorite band member(more then 2):
          	that will be all I need so let me know as soon as possible!!
          	Okay, Momma Bear out, love ya my little Soul Eaters/Drifters!!


Heyyy thankies for the follow :)
          Your name: Tianna aka Vader
          Characters name: Samantha Luna
          What you/character looks like: Black long hair, blue eyes, 5'7' 
          Personality:Forgiveable ,sweet, nice, rude (when wants to), funny, random, and crazy (in a good way).
          Favorite Color:Blue (and yellow)
          Race:Mixed (Black+White)
          Favorite band member(more then 2): (Maroon 5) Adam Levine
          Extra:Dancer, Fan-girl of boyxboy


Haha your welcome.


You're welcome!! Also I know what I want you to be!! Thank you so much I really needed more characters!


Hey guys, so I officially put The Unexpected Change on hold I'm sorry for those of you that were reading it, I have writers block on that one, I had the whole story planned out but then something happened and I lost everything so give me time to plan it all out again and I'll be up and writing again, again I say I'm sorry to those of you that were reading it. Okay I'm done with my apology now I would like to say that I need more characters of The Dream That Saved Me, so PM me and let me know if you want to be in it I need like 6 people. Also, I'm writing another story its a FanFic, I want one characters for that one to so again PM me or comment on here, I'll need:
          Your name:
          Characters name:
          What you/character looks like:
          Favorite Color:
          Favorite band member(more then 2):
          that will be all I need so let me know as soon as possible!!
          Okay, Momma Bear out, love ya my little Soul Eaters/Drifters!!


Ok so, I want to do a fanfic, but I don't know if I should do Of Mice & Men or Pierces The Veil, so if you want to chose who I do  DM me, and who ever gets the most votes is who I'll do, if I don't get any DMs it'll who ever the fuck I want it to be. 
          I'm out my little Drifters/Soul Eaters