
hey !! How are u madhu i have been reading your work since 2012 and when u took a break in middle from writing  it was hard for me as it was my routine to read your books daily and when u came back your books were awesome again !! I have been your silent reader ! but your books are amazing and please do start even posting your books on wattpad !!
          May God bless u


Hey! This was not removed from.Wattpad at all.
            And few readers are asking for further updates.
            So I had intimated Madhu once again.


Hey! This was not removed from.Wattpad at all.
            And few readers are asking for further updates.
            So I had intimated Madhu once again.


Excuse me!! Who are you? And why are posting Madhu's FF here? I have talked with her. You should  remove this at once. Posting someone else work without her permission is a crime.