Matthew walked over to Gilbert, who was talking to his friend Kiku, biting his bottom lip nervously. The albino looked up at him and grinned.
"Hallo, Birdie!" he greeted him. The Canadian's face became bright red.
"H-hi, G-Gilly," he replied, hiding his face. "I-I have t-to tell you s-something..."
"Ja, vhat is it?" Gilbert asked. "Do you need some more of mein awesome pancake mix?"
Matthew shook his head. "It's... U-um..." he stuttered, swallowing nervously. He squeezed his eyes shut before shouting. "You make my ochinchin go 'doki doki!'"
Kiku snorted, covering his mouth and nose with his hands, a small stream of blood trickling down his face. "Oh dear," he said. "My nose is breeding again..."
"Vhat? I don't understand!" Gilbert complained as the Canadian boy scurried away. He turned to Kiku. "Vhat does it mean?!"
Kiku was holding a bundle of tissues to his nose, and leaned forward, whispering a quick explanation into the German's ear. Gilbert laughed and turned in the direction that Matthew had run off in.
"Vay to confess your love, Birdie!" he shouted after him, running towards the small Canadian. "Hey, vait! Aren't you going to let me invade your vital regions?!"
Kiku watched Gilbert chase Matthew around, holding more tissues to his nose as he had wet-daydreams about Canadian/german yaoi....
And then they had butt-secks.