Ok, got a few things to say here, so it will probably be a bit long.
1.) Thank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. It always makes my day when people say they enjoy my story, it also makes me feel a bit better about how I’ve been busy with school. So thanks so much, that really did make me happy.
2.) The saying thanks thing is fine, I’m pretty sure I do the exact same thing. Lol.
3.) StingYu is amazing, and so is Yukino. And your username is beautiful.
4.) When I said (wrote? Idk) tag me, I meant create a byline giving me credit as the author (so just, By Madgirl2868). Although it is a bit of common sense, it can slip a persons mind. So you would just type it in on whatever you make the cover with. (I’d assume Wattpad’s cover app.)
5.) Don’t worry about the technology stuff, I’m terrible at it too.
6.) Thank you soooooo much again. It really means a lot when you said you loved my story. Especially since it is apparently one of your first. Just want to say, welcome to Wattpad newcomer, and thank you so much again.
(What’d I tell you, I have the ‘Thanks’ problem too.)